Quade wrote:If you load an NZB, you probably want to know if it's corrupt or not.
Quade wrote:How about cleaning out the autoload folder?
g51 wrote:Quade wrote:I've set my autoload folder to the folder i use for all downloads, so at any moment it will contain some files. Currently it contains a few files (~15) but none of them is XML or NZB so why would NewsBin try to open files with any other extension than NZB (i.e. exe or zip)?
Quade wrote:Yeah, some web sites deliver NZB's as zips or rars.
I can understand how it would be annoying but, I'm not clear on a way to show errors when you want them but, not all the time.
mho wrote:I don't use nzb, but I still get this message when loading stuff from internet search.
Does search return results in the form of a (corrupt) nzb?
- mho
DThor wrote:Again, just try setting the auto download folder elsewhere, as recommended, and see if you still have issues.
DThor wrote:This was covered back when first implemented, even using that system, you get a crapload of constant processing and disk grinding for nothing. Lots of very unhappy users.
DThor wrote:I'm of the opinion that Newsbin shouldn't even allow you to have the same autoload/download folder. It should just yell at you.
It could just scan the given folder (but not subfolders),
Quade wrote:Scanning sub-folders is a feature. It lets you organize your downloads by dumping your NZB's into specific folders and telling Newsbin to use these folders as part of the destination folder.
Quade wrote:You know you can disable the main popup error window?
Quade wrote:Experienced people know to look in the logging tab.
Quade wrote:You know you can disable the main popup error window? It's mainly there for the noobs. Experienced people know to look in the logging tab.
g51 wrote:Quade wrote:You know you can disable the main popup error window?
I can ...
Where is that please?
b38kje2nq wrote:g51 wrote:Quade wrote:You know you can disable the main popup error window?
I can ...
Where is that please?
Options > Confirmation Windows > Error Popup.
I'm not a big fan of the popup error window (which may or may not indicate I have *some* experience... ), but the one advantage it has over the logging tab is that it summarizes any errors, unlike the logging tab where you have to copy the entire log, paste it in a text editor and search for "error".
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