Won't convert files to regular names

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Won't convert files to regular names

Postby fsalter » Sun Apr 03, 2011 10:22 pm

For some reason or other the program some times leaves the files in their "native" format. I have to run the par file that comes with it and it recognizes that all they do is need renaming. It will do that and then some times the program will see that all of the files are there and it will then run the rar program to put everything into one file for me. It is very scattered in it's performance. I can never tell when it's going to work or not.

Also, sometimes it won't download all of one file and I'll have to hit download incomplete for it to finish the download. It does that and it really wasn't incomplete so it put the correct file in my download directory and it then runs the rar file on it's own.

Still a lot of bugs but I'm trying to fight through it. Thought I'd mention a few things since I am beta testing for you. I'm using Beta 8.

One big thing that I would appreciate you fixing for me is the Reply to Post. I absolutely need to communicate with other people in the newsgroups and that function is NOT working yet. PLEASE!!!!! get it running for us.


Fred Salter
Love the look of the new interface but still finding my way around things. I'll try and put more feedback in to help out.
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Re: Won't convert files to regular names

Postby richy99 » Mon Apr 04, 2011 5:46 am

yes reply to group is not working and is a known issue

native format? give an example but leaveout the real file name
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Re: Won't convert files to regular names

Postby Quade » Mon Apr 04, 2011 9:00 am

I think he's saying it's not always unraring the files.

it won't download all of one file and I'll have to hit download incomplete for it to finish the download.

This is fairly normal in the current betas. Eventually it'll be resolved.
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