V6B8 keeps downloading same files

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V6B8 keeps downloading same files

Postby renew » Sun Apr 03, 2011 10:20 am

I download files to an external HD, which isn't always on. But the same occurs when you delete the downloaded files.

It's still in the download list as ready, but it probably checks if the files are in the download dir and if not happily starts downloading again!
And autorar is turned on.

Hmm... not sure if it would happen ALL the time, as my download dir and autorar dir aren't the same (download dir is on my laptop, autorar dir is external).
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Re: V6B8 keeps downloading same files

Postby Quade » Sun Apr 03, 2011 11:25 am

I'm not really getting the issue. If the files are in the download list when Newsbin starts up, it'll download one chunk and verify whether the file is on disk or not and if not, it'll download the file. I'd suggest not leaving finished downloads in the download list. It sounds like Newsbin can't unrar sometimes because the external drive is offline.
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Re: V6B8 keeps downloading same files

Postby renew » Sun Apr 03, 2011 7:36 pm

Seems like it was an error in V6B7, but occured the first time B8 started. They now get removed from the download list.
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Re: V6B8 keeps downloading same files

Postby Quade » Sun Apr 03, 2011 8:39 pm

Yeah, B8 is more aggressive about removing things from the download list.
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