V6 in Ubuntu (via Wine)

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V6 in Ubuntu (via Wine)

Postby Redbird » Sat Mar 26, 2011 8:36 am

I'm an Ubuntu user running Newsbin in Wine since V5. Now with V6 B7. I must say it installed flawslessly and runs very well.

First of all, I would like to congratulate you boys for the IMPRESSIVE improvement in loading (large) Download lists. Also, the article grouping in the Download tabs it's awesome. Thinks are more compact and easy to manage now.

There are also small bugs/missing features, but hey, it is still a beta!

I miss the number of selected items and its size in the status bar.

In Ubuntu, selection it is not so easy as one would expect. For instance, if you click on an article, it is NOT selected. You should open and close the popup menu to select it in the first place. Then selection goes as it should, and if you Ctrl+Click it selects/deselects as usual. That means that is VERY easy to have selected items somewhere in the list without noticing. So, the small info in the status bar about selected items it is a must for me.

I miss also the search function in the Download tab. Useful to promote to top some files, while usually donwloading by date.

Sorting features are also broken in Download tab (no data sort, no sublist sort).

Also, tab configuration and position is not retained betwen restarts, which is a small annoyance.

All that said, I will continue with it, because the great improvements largely overcome the small nuisances :lol: :lol: :lol:

Good work, thx !

BTW: Why I can not put a smily (appears as a non-registered user image)? Also, my registration date does not appear in the post, I suppose it is related too.
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Re: V6 in Ubuntu (via Wine)

Postby DThor » Sat Mar 26, 2011 9:28 am

Hmm, I'm running unbuntu in a VM, I'll take a look when I get a chance. I definitely have layout being maintained between sessions. Which Ubuntu you running? I recently installed SUSE 11.4 in a VM too, it comes with 64 bit wine by default, I had everything set to default for the install(apparmour, firewall, etc.), then installed wine and 64 bit Newsbin, and it worked great out of the box- even multithreaded like mad, which surprised me a bit! There's always oddities with display in wine, though, I know I've seen some strangeness in the older wine I'm running on the main front. I was a little surprised how the customized GUI layout code worked - I sort of expected it to bust, but while it can draw a little oddly during customizing, it appears to more or less work.

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Re: V6 in Ubuntu (via Wine)

Postby itimpi » Sat Mar 26, 2011 9:34 am

Redbird wrote:I miss the number of selected items and its size in the status bar.

Quade has said he wants this for his pesonal use so that means it is virtually certain to appear.

I miss also the search function in the Download tab. Useful to promote to top some files, while usually donwloading by date.

This is also on the list of 'todo' features.

Sorting features are also broken in Download tab (no data sort, no sublist sort).

They were working in earlier betas - I guess something broke them in B7?

Also, tab configuration and position is not retained betwen restarts, which is a small annoyance.

Should work - but there may be a wine issue here.

BTW: Why I can not put a smily (appears as a non-registered user image)? Also, my registration date does not appear in the post, I suppose it is related too.

Have you got your registration info entered into your forum profile? That is what is needed to get you to show as a registered user. If it is entered, and you are not showing up as a registered user I would suggest you PM Dexter with your details.
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Re: V6 in Ubuntu (via Wine)

Postby Redbird » Sat Mar 26, 2011 11:28 am

DThor wrote:Hmm, I'm running unbuntu in a VM, I'll take a look when I get a chance. I definitely have layout being maintained between sessions. Which Ubuntu you running? I recently installed SUSE 11.4 in a VM too, it comes with 64 bit wine by default, I had everything set to default for the install(apparmour, firewall, etc.), then installed wine and 64 bit Newsbin, and it worked great out of the box- even multithreaded like mad, which surprised me a bit! There's always oddities with display in wine, though, I know I've seen some strangeness in the older wine I'm running on the main front. I was a little surprised how the customized GUI layout code worked - I sort of expected it to bust, but while it can draw a little oddly during customizing, it appears to more or less work.

Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick 32-bit on Atom N270, Wine 1.2.2.

Displays problems were also present on V5, but the info about selected items in status bar alleviated it somehow.
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Re: V6 in Ubuntu (via Wine)

Postby Redbird » Sat Mar 26, 2011 11:32 am

itimpi wrote:
Redbird wrote:BTW: Why I can not put a smily (appears as a non-registered user image)? Also, my registration date does not appear in the post, I suppose it is related too.

Have you got your registration info entered into your forum profile? That is what is needed to get you to show as a registered user. If it is entered, and you are not showing up as a registered user I would suggest you PM Dexter with your details.

Should PM Dexter. Reg info is entered, and I can enter on the "Registered Only" discussions... Thx.
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