Version5 & Version6 Coexistence

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Version5 & Version6 Coexistence

Postby nc_usenet » Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:50 pm

Can I install the Ver.6 Beta in a separate directory and keep all of my headers/settings/filters/etc separate between the two versions?
I don't want the Beta to change anything in V5.
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Re: Version5 & Version6 Coexistence

Postby richy99 » Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:26 pm

the beta installs over thw top but preserves the spool_v1 folder which are you stored headers
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Re: Version5 & Version6 Coexistence

Postby Quade » Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:28 pm

The headers already exist in different folders. It's doable, two NBI's 2 shortcuts, 2 data folders.

Might need to make a copy of the current 5.59 install folder.
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Re: Version5 & Version6 Coexistence

Postby nc_usenet » Tue Mar 22, 2011 12:19 am

Well - it seems to be working fine. I have both V5 & V6 running simultaneously and hopefully did not "pooch" :shock: my setup in the process.
It seems that in V6, even after modifying NewsBin.ini Datapath variable, the file GuiItems.db3 is still created in the original data folder.

Here are the steps I used (most are in the V550-Advanced Help) - please let me know if there was a better/easier way to do this:
Install V5
[*]Create a new folder for V5 Program & data files: \NewsBin V5
[*]Copy all of the files from the original program install folder and data folder to this new folder
[*]Edit the Newsbin.NBI Data Path to point to \NewsBin V5
[*]Create/Modify a shortcut to point to the V5 Newsbin exe and config file. For ex: "G:\NewsBin V5\nbpro.exe" "G:\Newsbin V5\NewsBin.nbi"

Install V6 (would only install to the same folder that V5 was installed to)
[*]Create a new folder for V6 Data: \Newsbin V6 Data
[*]Copy all of the files from the original V6 data folder to this new folder
[*]Edit the Newsbin.NBI Data Path to point to \NewsBin V6 Data
[*]Create/Modify a shortcut to point to the V6 Newsbin exe and config file. For ex: "G:\NewsBin\nbpro.exe" "G:\Newsbin V6 Data\NewsBin.nbi"
[*]Start V6 & import the V5 headers (running this right now)

Now I can keep my stable V5, and continue to experiment with any new Beta releases. :D

Thanks for the help.
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Re: Version5 & Version6 Coexistence

Postby Quade » Tue Mar 22, 2011 1:05 am

Fine way to do it.
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Re: Version5 & Version6 Coexistence

Postby KilJaden » Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:21 am

nc_usenet wrote:Install V5
[*]Create a new folder for V5 Program & data files: \NewsBin V5
[*]Copy all of the files from the original program install folder and data folder to this new folder
[*]Edit the Newsbin.NBI Data Path to point to \NewsBin V5
[*]Create/Modify a shortcut to point to the V5 Newsbin exe and config file. For ex: "G:\NewsBin V5\nbpro.exe" "G:\Newsbin V5\NewsBin.nbi"

Install V6 (would only install to the same folder that V5 was installed to)
[*]Create a new folder for V6 Data: \Newsbin V6 Data
[*]Copy all of the files from the original V6 data folder to this new folder
[*]Edit the Newsbin.NBI Data Path to point to \NewsBin V6 Data
[*]Create/Modify a shortcut to point to the V6 Newsbin exe and config file. For ex: "G:\NewsBin\nbpro.exe" "G:\Newsbin V6 Data\NewsBin.nbi"
[*]Start V6 & import the V5 headers (running this right now)

I used the same setup since the first alpha and it does work :)
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