speed limit in ver 6?

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speed limit in ver 6?

Postby JeremyG » Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:54 pm

I just confirmed this on Version 6 Beta 6....i am somehow capped at about 4 Mbps. I installed version 5 and was back to full speed, (of course none of my version 6 downloads were in queue). Re-installed version 6 and it's got a max speed again.

Checked all the options for speed, and turned limiting on-and-off a few times, but cant find anything that should be causing it.
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Re: speed limit in ver 6?

Postby DThor » Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:14 am

There's no speed limit, trust me, lots of users are maxing out their pipes. Almost without a doubt some sort of antivirus, or firewall, is throttling your speed. The reason v5 doesn't do it is that v6 is perceived as a new program, and probably needs to be ignored by whatever is getting between you and your data. Shut all that stuff down and see if you can reproduce. Also, double check your router, in case that's set to manage speeds. The actual name of the executable has changed with v6.

V6 Troubleshooting FAQ . V6 docs. Usenet info at Usenet Tools. Thanks!
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Re: speed limit in ver 6?

Postby magician1962 » Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:29 pm

Another posibilty, and its a long shot, as it would depend on your timing

My own ISP has recently changed their traffic management and i didn't know. It now limits usenet traffic on their servers from 4pm till midnight, and its about 4Mbps, after that is back to normal.
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