Is it possible for you guys to add an automatic update feature. I understand that you have the message of the day, which is supposed to notify users of any updates, but it would be nice for all that to be automatic
and as a phobbyistrogrammer myself i I understand if you don't want to implement such a feature duty tremendous amount of strain it would put on your server, but nonetheless it would be a good future to have
also, I do not want to spam everybody but I am a disabled musician and would love people to check me out on iTunes and any money goes to my continued care
I've recorded its when I was 10
with my dad ... d412520461
please note, I'm sorry if I have broken any rules. Trying to get the word out to as many people as I can
while offering a feature request to world best USENET client
I can assure you are not one of those spammers nor would I plan to be disabled
for those who may be interested. I have cerebral palsy spastic quadriplegia
I have been in the Wiltshire all my life but this is getting off topic so I with this feature request
. Please note I have not yet downloaded V6 to see if it already has this feature. I apologise if it does I will upgrade once it becomes stable