Issues the 6.0b1

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Issues the 6.0b1

Postby hero88 » Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:01 pm

Hi, I have some issues, i would like to find out whether they are bugs or know issues or not an issue

1) When you start newsbin, it now starts by loading the download list, this takes more than 2 minutes with a list with 6 files in it. Before this, i could start the program and tell it to download headers, in the meantime it would load the files which were let from the last time i shut it down.

2) It sometimes leaves completely downloaded files in the download list, the file show up as grey, if i right click and select properties, it says all posts available, if look at my desk all the files are there and they are complete, but i have also downloaded all of the par files because it thinks some files are not there, if I say assemble incompletes it doesn't do anything

3) If I download a nzb file where the titles of the file are different from what the par files think, then in the download window, I get all files marked as grey, and all par files marked as not downloaded and paused, even though alle files and all the par files are downloadeded

Im not sure that I like that we don't have a separate download window, i prefered it when I could look there and have a clean download list when I was finished . But that's just me and how I do my downloads.
Last edited by hero88 on Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Issues the 6.0b1

Postby DThor » Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:16 pm

Just a heads up, your visuals will be removed shortly - there's no discussion or indication of specific content in the forums. If you want to post an image, please blur out the relevant details.

1. Hard to say. With the new compacts, '6 files' could conceivably be 300G, you don't mention how much actual volume is in it. Is this a download left over from v5?

2. That particular thing you're downloading doesn't look like it's compacting correctly so NB is having trouble connecting up the pars with the files. Just a guess based on what I looked at.

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Re: Issues the 6.0b1

Postby hero88 » Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:22 pm

Sorry I have removed them.

1) No this a new download, and the file size of the remaining files was 47MB, these are individual small files

2) So should I log this as a bug?
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Re: Issues the 6.0b1

Postby itimpi » Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:33 pm

hero88 wrote: 1) When you start newsbin, it now starts by loading the download list, this takes more than 2 minutes with a list with 6 files in it. Before this, i could start the program and tell it to download headers, in the meantime it would load the files which were let from the last time i shut it down.

For me this only takes a few seconds to load up 10GB of downloads with a slowish machine and the files on a network share, so I suspect that there is some other factor at play here on your system. It might be worth deleting or renaming the downloads.db3 file in the Newsbin data folder and let a new one be created when Newsbin starts up in case it has been damaged.
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Re: Issues the 6.0b1

Postby Quade » Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:44 pm

1) When you start newsbin, it now starts by loading the download list, this takes more than 2 minutes with a list with 6 files in it. Before this, i could start the program and tell it to download headers, in the meantime it would load the files which were let from the last time i shut it down

Yeah, in a test I did, it took 14 seconds to load up a list containing 450 gigs worth of files. I suspect there's something you're not telling us about your setup.

Gray in the download list means "downloaded". Unpause some of the RARS and see what happens.
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Re: Issues the 6.0b1

Postby hero88 » Fri Feb 11, 2011 4:35 pm

itempi: I will try this
quade: I have been using newzbin for several years, and just upgraded from 5 to 6. I will uninstall completely (will keep my signature.db3, as I would to hate to loose) and install v6 and see if this helps with 1)
2) Okay, i deleted them but it has happened several times in since I upgraded to v6, so we will see what happens
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Re: Issues the 6.0b1

Postby DThor » Fri Feb 11, 2011 4:54 pm

Btw, I'm not sure I'd call that post that didn't compact a bug, per se. It was just posted in a very difficult to parse manner. Each subject and filename was very different, essentially unique, there was little information for anything other than a human brain to find in common to tell Newsbin it's all one thing that can be rebuilt by one par set. There will always be some things out there that are like this. Without getting into specifics, if it had all been collapsed into a rar, it would have worked fine.

V6 Troubleshooting FAQ . V6 docs. Usenet info at Usenet Tools. Thanks!
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Re: Issues the 6.0b1

Postby hero88 » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:29 pm

Hi, I have now completely uninstalled Newsbin, gone through the registry so no trace is left of the old installed, and have started from scratch again.

Picture: Image

And my initial findings are the same as my upgraded v5
1) First with the files shown in the picture it took 23 seconds to start, if I delete my download list it only takes 14 second, if i delete all files in failed downloads and in files, then it starts up immediately.
With v5 it never took that long

2) It sometimes leaves completely downloaded files in the download list, the file show up as grey, if i right click and select properties, it says all posts available, if look at my desk all the files are there and they are complete,if I say assemble incompletes it doesn't do anything. See picture

There are no par files, and all files are downloaded
Last edited by hero88 on Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Issues the 6.0b1

Postby richy99 » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:48 pm

have you disabled autopar?
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Re: Issues the 6.0b1

Postby hero88 » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:56 pm


I always have it enabled.
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Re: Issues the 6.0b1

Postby Quade » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:32 pm

Says you have no pars. It's not going to unrar if it can't check the files. You can manually unrar from the files list then delete this entry.
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Re: Issues the 6.0b1

Postby hero88 » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:56 pm

If I don't have any pars should the files not be removed from the file list?
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Re: Issues the 6.0b1

Postby Quade » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:22 pm

What happens if the pars just aren't there yet?

I think it should stay in the list until it's actually done.
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Re: Issues the 6.0b1

Postby davidn » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:24 pm

Quade wrote:What happens if the pars just aren't there yet?

I think it should stay in the list until it's actually done.

Using Beta 2. I downloaded with a NZB yesterday and the .info and .svf were not included. The par2 was missing those 2 files. I found the par2 and all the RAR files in my download folder but the download list was empty. I found the 2 missing files by searching headers in the group, downloaded the 2 files. NewsBin then did it's unrar thing (extracted and then removed RARs) with no visual indication that it was doing anything. There was nothing in the download list.
Last edited by davidn on Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:20 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Issues the 6.0b1

Postby hero88 » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:00 pm

Okay, i have deleted the files. I will see if it happens again.
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