Quade wrote:5.53 doesn't show logs like the ones you listed. That looks more like 5.35 which is pretty old. 5.35 goes to an old search server we're considering disabling.,
5.53 looks like this:
[17:14:52] Level: LOW MODULE=InterSocket, MSG=SSL Connection Server: is.newsbin.com Stats DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA 256 Bits Compression: zlib compression Version: TLSv1/SSLv3
OK. Right. Was still running 5.35 somehow. Now I'm running 5.53. Verified.
Here is what I see. Tells a lot more:
[14:28:36] Level: ERROR MODULE=NNTPServerWorker, MSG=Failed to contact Server: Giganews - Will retry eventually
[14:28:36] Level: ERROR SERVER=news.giganews.com, MSG=Error talking to Server : Giganews Requires a username and password and they're not set
[14:28:35] Level: ERROR MODULE=NNTPServerWorker, MSG=Failed to contact Server: Giganews - Will retry eventually
[14:28:35] Level: ERROR SERVER=news.giganews.com, MSG=Error talking to Server : Giganews Requires a username and password and they're not set
[14:28:35] Level: ERROR MODULE=NNTPServerWorker, MSG=Failed to contact Server: Giganews - Will retry eventually
[14:28:35] Level: ERROR SERVER=news.giganews.com, MSG=Error talking to Server : Giganews Requires a username and password and they're not set
[14:28:35] Level: ERROR MODULE=NNTPServerWorker, MSG=Failed to contact Server: Giganews - Will retry eventually
[14:28:35] Level: ERROR SERVER=news.giganews.com, MSG=Error talking to Server : Giganews Requires a username and password and they're not set
[14:28:15] Level: ERROR MODULE=NNTPServerWorker, MSG=Failed to contact Server: Giganews - Will retry eventually
[14:28:15] Level: ERROR SERVER=news.giganews.com, MSG=Error talking to Server : Giganews Requires a username and password and they're not set
[14:28:15] Level: ERROR MODULE=NNTPServerWorker, MSG=Failed to contact Server: Giganews - Will retry eventually
[14:28:15] Level: ERROR SERVER=news.giganews.com, MSG=Error talking to Server : Giganews Requires a username and password and they're not set
[14:28:15] Level: ERROR MODULE=NNTPServerWorker, MSG=Failed to contact Server: Giganews - Will retry eventually
[14:28:15] Level: ERROR SERVER=news.giganews.com, MSG=Error talking to Server : Giganews Requires a username and password and they're not set
[14:28:15] Level: ERROR MODULE=NNTPServerWorker, MSG=Failed to contact Server: Giganews - Will retry eventually
[14:28:15] Level: ERROR SERVER=news.giganews.com, MSG=Error talking to Server : Giganews Requires a username and password and they're not set
[14:28:15] Level: HIGH MSG=High Speed File Creation Mode: Enabled
So I'm failing the connection. Is there a certain way newsbin needs to be run in Wine to make this connection work?