tanishalfelf wrote:searching on crossover I found this bellow. So I uninstalled and reinstalled but still I don't see this prompt for an active x script.????
Normally I use the latest wine, but I gave newsbin on crossover 6 a try, on a Debian testing system:
- installed newsbin 5.33 with accepting defaults as much as possible. This resulted in a win2k bottle.
- copied over the MFC42.DLL from a XP-home partition to ~/.cxofficw/Unsupported/drive_c/windows/system32
- started newsbin.
The first time the newsbin window opened it was somewhat hard to spot, squashed agains the left hand side of the screen. After resizing the main window and also the newsbin panes the program seems to display fine. That includes the MOTD screen, except that it needs to be closed with the "X" button. Progress bars don't work/update as in older wine versions.
So no msvcrt70.dll copied and I did not see anything about downloading a script.
Does you crossover installation work for other windows programs?