Command Line, can it do more than point to an NBI file?

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Command Line, can it do more than point to an NBI file?

Postby UPdown » Sun Mar 17, 2019 5:53 am

Quade et al,

I recently pared down the size of the GROUPS I was holding on to and I can't say I'm displeased with the result. BUT, I am in the midst of things happening (aka Life) and i forgot to check at least one of the groups within the time frame of my newly reduced historical keep. As a result, browsing was not the success it might otherwise have been.

So, I thought to myself, wouldn't it be great if Newsbin could be loaded from a batch file with the line dealing with Newsbin loaded to set up GROUP1, GROUP2, GROUP3, GROUP4 and GROUP 5, updating as it loaded like it does with manual selecting. AND if the command line could also be set to use a filter NOT NORMALLY the filter for the group, I could run it on Sunday mornings, grab the stuff that meets my RIGHT NOW filters and then I can quit and go on about my regular Sunday business. That way, if I don't get the chance to browse within my new reduced time retention, I will have at least grabbed what I KNOW I will want.

I envision something like NEWSBIN -gG1 --fF1 -gG2 --fF2 -gG3 --fF3 -g4 --fF4 -gG5 --fF6

Now, if you want another radical idea, I could load NEWSBIN -gG1 --fF1 and then follow it up with however many lines it took to load a variable number of instances, using a sleep time and a UseExistingInstance flag, say

NEWSBIN -s1000 -useexistinginstance -gG2 --fF2
NEWSBIN -useexistinginstance -gG3 --fF3
etc as needed

(Note: no need to sleep after the second one because NewsBin should be up and running by then, although pacing out the loading of each group might not be a horrible thing. Instead of a sleep flag, maybe just a stagger flag with no human ability to type in a gazillion seconds to spoil the program's ability to work DESPITE the man at the 'ahem, helm)

Well, that's the idea. Wouldn't be surprised if the facility is there already. I just couldn't find it in the on-line docs or here. Thanks, GM
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Re: Command Line, can it do more than point to an NBI file?

Postby Quade » Sun Mar 17, 2019 12:43 pm

You can pass NZB's over the command line but that's about it. You can't run multiple instances if they use the same data folder. You can use multiple instances but each would have to have a unique data folder and NBI.

If you just leave Newsbin running, you can set it to periodically update the groups too. It can also be set to update the groups when you start Newsbin so, you could just start it and let it update the groups.

As for filtering out only the content you want. It sounds like you want to use the watch lists to filter all the headers downloaded from all the groups and then funnel the matching results into a pseudo-group you can then load without looking at the actual groups.
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Re: Command Line, can it do more than point to an NBI file?

Postby UPdown » Sun Mar 17, 2019 12:53 pm


Unfortunately, the reality is not what I was hoping for. I have no desire to run Newsbin all the time, as good a program as it is. Nor am I interested in NZB processing. Just updating groups and then filtering with a NON-REGULAR filter for items that I 'know' I would want, (Think of this as a POSITIVE filter) should they exist. Normally, I want everything, filtering out the true undesired stuff (Think of this as a NEGATIVE filter), but allowing all the rest of the stuff to browse through as time permits. After all, my wants change once I know something is available. That said, the command line does what most people who use it need it to do. The time and effort to add the extra switches I asked for would be substantial.

Back to a warning message saying time to check ALL the Newsbin groups. Works for me. Mostly.

Thanks for looking at the request, GM
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