New to Windows 10 - how to move download screen to top??

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New to Windows 10 - how to move download screen to top??

Postby zorro6204 » Thu Aug 30, 2018 4:54 pm

This is probably really dumb, but I'll be darned if I can figure out how to do it. In XP I was used to the download and load NZB panels up at the top, full of detail so I could see what's going on. Now the download panel is one line stuck at the bottom of the screen, and the bulk of the screen is taken up by a "search" panel I don't want or will ever use. Like I said, probably really simple, but I've looked through every option and I can't make it happen. Thank you!
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Re: New to Windows 10 - how to move download screen to top??

Postby Quade » Thu Aug 30, 2018 5:46 pm

Are you running some small res? It should default to have two panels, on top and one bottom.

In the options you can select "reset display in restart" then restart to get a default panel. Then you can click in the download list tab (the tab itself) then drag it to the top windows. I'd probably drag the files list up too. You can't close the search tab.
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Re: New to Windows 10 - how to move download screen to top??

Postby zorro6204 » Thu Aug 30, 2018 10:59 pm

> Are you running some small res?

Uhhhh . . . I don't know.

> It should default to have two panels, on top and one bottom.

Well, kinda, there's "search" which hogs practically the whole screen, and I would like to vanish, and downloads, one line on the bottom. I've grabbed and tugged and pushed everything I can find, but I can't expand the download panel, or put it on top.

I'll try your suggestion, thanks.
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Re: New to Windows 10 - how to move download screen to top??

Postby Quade » Thu Aug 30, 2018 11:11 pm

Make sure the lock isn't clicked on the main toolbar. It prevents the windows from moving around.
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Re: New to Windows 10 - how to move download screen to top??

Postby zorro6204 » Fri Aug 31, 2018 5:47 pm

Okay, so I managed to expand the "download" panel to take up nearly all of the main screen. I can't make "search" go away entirely, even if I click "hide", but at least I have it reduced to one line. I can live with that.

I liked the interface better on my XP, all the things you wanted open were on one tab line above, and everything below that was a blank screen. But then, I liked everything about the XP interface compared to Win 10, thank heavens for Classic Shell.

Thanks for the help.
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