I've been using Newsbin for a while and finaly registered. My normal way of using newsgroups is to brouse through the new headers a few times a week. I'm mostly into Anime and that group changes pretty often. A while before I registered, I started getting a lot of incompleat posts. I thought it might be a side effect of the unregistered version and because I've been meaning to register for a while, I did. The problem has not been solved, so I figured I would ask about it. I've been getting arround the problem by using an NZB site to get the NZB into Newsbin, but it's a pain. I only have 1 news server and, seeing as the NZBs worked, the parts are there. They just aren't comleating/showing up in the newsreader. I'm using Newsbin 6.73 build 4821.