Header downloads

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Header downloads

Postby rbro3 » Sat Nov 10, 2018 5:39 pm

Hello: 3 :idea: things:

1. I subscribed to a.b.mom group with has 2 billion headers. Everytime I crank up newsbin it starts downloading millions of headers. When I remove the file from the download list newsbin stops downloading the headers. Next time I start newsbin it starts downloading headers again. I already got a couple of million headers from a.b.mom and I don't want 2 billion headers, I imagine it would take up huge file space. How do I stop newsbin from downloading 2 billion headers? How do I download say, only 500,000. and then any new ones that come after that?

2. Is there a tutorial or post somewhere that describes how header downloads work? I see lots of options under the download menu but I don't understand how they work.

3. Same goes for the "Post" menu. Where's the instructions please?
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Re: Header downloads

Postby Quade » Sun Nov 11, 2018 11:48 am

1 - Set the "Download age" to say, 10 in the options.

2 - Delete the entry in the download list for "mom" let things settle a bit then right click the group "Post Storage/ Use Download Age" to reset how far back in time Newsbin will download headers. Because of #1 it'll just do 10 days next time.

3 - If it still downloaded more than 110 million or so posts. I might delete it again, then delete the import folder (as I describe below) and reset the age again.

4- It sounds like you have Newsbin set in the options to update headers every time it starts. You might want to disable that option. If it's not set, let me know.

Headers are a constant treadmill. New headers are added to the end, while old headers are removed from the beginning. So, if you want to download headers, you need to do it frequently to keep up with the new headers that are posted. 10 days of a.b.mom seems to be about 115 million headers. Headers are downloaded, saved on disk, then processed into the database. If you look down where it says "Cache X/Y (XX)" the numbers inside the "()" is the number of headers files in disk that are waiting to be processed. If it's a large number, you might want to delete them all before you download new headers.

In the options "Open Data Folder" then delete the "Import" Folder before you do the "Download Age" thing I mention above.

There's really not many options for headers.

1 - How long you keep them (storage age).
2 - How many you download the first time you use a group (download age)
3 - Whether you download them when Newsbin starts.
4 - Whether you have Newsbin update them periodically when Newsbin starts.

Keep in mind that some groups these days, it's pointless to download headers from. I don't know if "mom" is that way but I'm looking. Some groups have been taken over by obscured postings and only our search engine or an NZB site can give you information on how to download from that group. Just a quick glance suggests "a.b.mom" is mostly encrypted these days.
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Re: Header downloads

Postby rbro3 » Sat Nov 24, 2018 8:41 pm

Thank you for replying. Quite a bit to digest here. I will look over the instructions and get back to you either way. Again, thanks for taking the time.
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Re: Header downloads

Postby rbro3 » Sat Nov 24, 2018 8:50 pm

One question and I refer to your statement: only our search engine or an NZB site can give you information on how to download from that group. I emphasize in bold. I use your search engine (at least I know I paid for it) yet I still see tons and tons of obscure messages. And now for the question: Am I correctly connected to and using your search engine? If I am, then how come I still see the obscured posts? Is there any way to filter out the obscure posts? That was actually 3 questions. I have used easynews search and it doesn't seem to help a whole lot. Thanks again.
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