Middle-click mouse controls

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Moderator: Quade

Middle-click mouse controls

Postby JayPea » Sat Feb 16, 2019 4:47 am

Heya, Quade.

Would there be any chance of including middle-click navigational mouse control in to NBP? I was hoping for something like you find in Chrome where if you middle click then the cursor changes into an 4-way arrow and simply moving the mouse in your desired direction starts the window scrolling faster depending on how far away you move it. It would be amazing for scrolling through headers in busy groups and save me replacing my mouse due to wear & tear on my scroll wheel :)

As always thanks for the support.

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Re: Middle-click mouse controls

Postby Quade » Fri Feb 22, 2019 10:06 am

I'm not against the idea. I just think it'll be dependent on replacing the GUI with a more modern one. Something I'm researching.
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