Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

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Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby dexter » Sat Jun 23, 2018 11:14 am

Made a few more minor fixes:


  • Fixed the "Download to New Folder" function.
  • Tweaks to try to minimize chances of the "Update Pending" message from displaying.
  • Removed size limits from NZB Autoload for zips and rars.
  • Made change to NZB Autoload to only look at the first RAR and not any of the other numbered rars.
  • Fixed issue where Newsbin wouldn't remember a new configuration file if launched by double-clicking on a different configuration file.
The full change history and the download link is on the Newsbin Beta Page.

If you find any issues, please reply to this thread or use our Technical Support Contact Form.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby triskel » Sun Jun 24, 2018 5:43 am

This time the headers in "Downloading Files" don't even appear: "Display Update Pending [nr]" and nothing happens.
No error in the log pane, then Newsbin freezes.
The only way to exit is closing Newsbin via Windows Task Manager…
Reinstalled version 6.80RC4: everything back to normal.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby MSWallack » Sun Jun 24, 2018 9:56 am

I had the exact same problem with Beta 2... I downgraded to 6.80 and downloads resumed more or less as expected (but I still need to move some downloads to and then back from the wish list).
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby Quade » Sun Jun 24, 2018 1:08 pm

I had the exact same problem with Beta 2... I downgraded to 6.80 and downloads resumed more or less as expected (but I still need to move some downloads to and then back from the wish list).

I don't know what problem you mean. Do you see any logging errors?
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby MSWallack » Sun Jun 24, 2018 1:47 pm

No files that I select go into the download list. Instead the download list keeps saying "display update pending". I didn't check the log before reverting to v6.80.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby Scuttle » Mon Jul 02, 2018 3:36 am

I have the same error. Tagged about a dozen files for download.
After about two minutes no files have been downloaded, but the below list has slowly appeared in the download-tab at a rate of one line every 10-15 seconds

No, I don't have bad RAM
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby Quade » Mon Jul 02, 2018 11:55 am

Does it eventually clear up? Your symptoms suggest something is really slow on your setup. How large are these files?

Currently Newsbin feeds 10 items at a time to the download list DB before it releases the DB and allows the GUI to update. For most people this is really fast. Not for you for some reason.

Are these the only entries in the download list?
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby Scuttle » Tue Jul 03, 2018 8:08 am

This particular test was made with about a dozen files between 1 and 5 megs in size.

The disk is an NVME SSD with speeds around 2GB/sec, so that shouldn't be a problem...
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby Scuttle » Tue Jul 03, 2018 8:14 am

Did some more testing. It seems to be very different depending on what files I select for download. Even in the same group

I select FileA for download, works fine
I select FileB for download, works fine
I select FileC for download, works fine
I select FileD for download, works fine
I select FileE for download, works fine

I select FileA, FileB, FileC, FileD and FileE at the same time; I get the "display update blabla" error

Steps to replicate:
* Search for "New Ebooks Pack 46 of 2018" (include quotes)
* Sort by date (descending)
* Select the first 10 posts for download
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby Co6aka » Fri Jul 06, 2018 11:03 am

Using 6.81B3-5068 under WINE 3.11.0

Still getting the yellow-star-in-green-circle stall, plus the exclamation-in-red-circle display update pending, when first attempting to DL anything. Exiting Newsbin and restarting clears the condition and the downloads commence and complete.

Also, I get the MOTD regardless of it being enabled/disabled.

Also, Newsbin is VERY slow to exit when it's in the stall condition; takes several minutes.

I've tried several installs in different WINECFGs but all do the same. Not new; this all has been happening for quite a while.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby Voyager62 » Mon Jul 09, 2018 3:05 am

There's a bug with the Pause button. Pause Download during UnRAR/Repair is turned off. If you click the Pause button during an UnRAR, it will unpause itself when the UnRAR is finished. This is very annoying because this usually happens when I'm trying to clear up some space on the hard drive. If several completed, but UnRARed downloads are backed up, it will continue to unpause itself as it finishes each one.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby Calahan » Mon Jul 09, 2018 3:06 pm

I loved the $(RAWSUBJECT) mode.

But instead of correcting the behavior that dashes were left at the beginning and the end of the subject, where they made no sense a change was made to remove all dashes.
Could you PLEASE restore the old behavior or only correct the problem cases instead of removing all dashes?

Now I get many subjects where all dashes were deleted and I have to guess what the subject line was.
If a subject was posted like "aab-bcc-c" you now get a folder "aabbcc" but you don't know if it was "aa-bb-cc" or anything else...
Very often I have to search for the posting to correct the folder names.
That is much more time consuming than before.

I think it should be possible to delete all spaces, dashes and all other characters from the beginning of the string as long there is no numerical or alphabetical character.
As soon as there is a numerical or alphabetical character, you stop deleting characters from the beginning.
The same should work from the end.
You can delete all unwanted characters from the right side of the string until there is a numerical or alphabetical character. Then you stop deleting characters.
This should result in readable and perfect subject folders.

PLEASE reconsider your change.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby EvanVanVan2 » Mon Jul 09, 2018 7:36 pm

I've had 2 large (50-60 GB files) not unrar properly on v6.81b3. The first was just after I updated it and saw that the unrar was stuck at 86% for a long time, but when I checked the folder, I didn't see the typical "Undsjf78j87" temp folder Newsbin uses to unrar (and my computer *wasn't* lagging which happens when it's actively unraring).

It just happened a second time, stuck at 0% this temp folder in the Download folder and computer not lagging. I'll send an NZB if you'd like?

Edit: NM, I just looked at the Log and it says there's insufficient space to unrar which there isn't, the file is 63GB total.
Code: Select all
[07/09 18:15:41]  ERROR Insufficient Disk space to continue: 117.92 GB Free .....................................................

It did repair the rar files first...maybe it's calculating the free space incorrectly when that happens?

I also see these two errors (before the insufficient space error) that I don't understand:
Code: Select all
[07/09 18:06:20]  ERROR BR: Read Failure: 16384 to read 0 Actual Read Code: 18446744071562145803
[07/09 18:06:20]  ERROR BR: Read Failure - Would Block
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby Quade » Mon Jul 09, 2018 11:37 pm

It won't start the unrar unless there's 2 times the rar set size available on the disk. This is new for B3.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby Voyager62 » Tue Jul 10, 2018 6:29 am

How do I restart an extraction that was stopped due to lack of space? Right now extractions stop in the middle and hang up the rest of the extractions while the downloads continue. This is due to extracting to a UNC path that is connected through a USB 3.0 GbE adapter. I have 15 TB available on the path, but when the USB disconnects Newsbin must think the drive is full. This is all fine and dandy until I reconnect the USB cable and nothing restarts. Meanwhile, downloading to the local drive continues.

Now that I'm using some of the bells and whistles with SickRage, I'm having more problems.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby EvanVanVan2 » Tue Jul 10, 2018 6:56 am

Quade wrote:It won't start the unrar unless there's 2 times the rar set size available on the disk. This is new for B3.

Oh, could you bump that down to 1.5x for files over 40gb? Even 94.5gb free (for a 63gb file) sounds like a lot, maybe 1.25x free space for files over 51gb? 117 GB is a lot of freespace..I almost never have much more than that on my 512gb (technically 476gb available) hard drive.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby Quade » Tue Jul 10, 2018 9:52 am

This is all fine and dandy until I reconnect the USB cable and nothing restarts.

Don't know. Restart Newsbin I guess. Occasionally I'll test where I don't have the drive in, it starts to bitch and then I plug the drive in, it starts unraring. Your broken setup though isn't something I can test for. The unrar should fail and then the next file set unrar but the failing unrar combined with the free space check might give unexpected results.

Oh, could you bump that down to 1.5x for files over 40gb?

Realistically, worst case, you need 3 times the set size free space in order to guarantee that repair and unrar succeed. Another problem with reducing it, is that download can continue on the same drive during the unrar so, it's not just the unrar using up disk space. I can think about it but you should clear more disk space if you're regularly downloading 60 GB sets. You're on the edge.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby EvanVanVan2 » Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:01 am

Quade wrote:Realistically, worst case, you need 3 times the set size free space in order to guarantee that repair and unrar succeed.

Hopefully after the repair, the incomplete and par files get permanently deleted to free up that space (which I believe they do).

Quade wrote:Another problem with reducing it, is that download can continue on the same drive during the unrar so, it's not just the unrar using up disk space. I can think about it but you should clear more disk space if you're regularly downloading 60 GB sets. You're on the edge.

Honestly when I am that close (pre-b3) quite often I have to manually pause download to make sure the unrar is successful. I can see how not everyone would prefer this, but it would be nice if there was an option to pause the download while the repair/unrar process is taking place. Otherwise I get stuck in this position where I have a full set of rar-ed files that I can't do anything with (in their current form) due to insufficient space. Plus, a partial set of rars from the next download that keep reducing space further... I either end up having to delete and redownload the entire partial set, or "manually" unrar the full set (keeping an eye on it's unrar progress and deleting a dozen rars at a time to make space).

Also, between repairing/unraring AND downloading? My computer really starts to drag. I've got a gigabit connection and Newsbin is doing all it can to keep up at that point!
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby Quade » Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:21 am

the incomplete and par files get permanently deleted to free up that space (which I believe they do).

You still need space to stage it all. Cleanup happens when it's done.

but it would be nice if there was an option to pause the download while the repair/unrar process is taking place.

This option already exists. It's in the performance options. It doesn't change the fact that many people want them running at the same time. Are you using some tiny drive for this? You can always download to one drive and unrar to another one too.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby EvanVanVan2 » Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:24 am

Quade wrote:This option already exists. It's in the performance options. It doesn't change the fact that many people want them running at the same time. Are you using some tiny drive for this? You can always download to one drive and unrar to another one too.

Ah, I did not know that...

And I have a single 512gb SSD, before offloading stuff to a 16TB NAS.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby Quade » Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:26 am

512 is a reasonable size. You might want to experiment with downloading to the 512 then unraring to the NAS.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby EvanVanVan2 » Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:29 am

Quade wrote:512 is a reasonable size. You might want to experiment with downloading to the 512 then unraring to the NAS.

I'm at 89% capacity of the NAS and FreeNAS is already yelling at me for being above the recommended 80% :| :lol:

I was going to bring this up earlier and ask about pre-allocating files while unraring (while thinking about how torrents handle it), but I just saw that's also in the performance options. Wouldn't making that a mandatory option with AutoPar kind of solve the rest of the issues and not require there to be 2x free space (at least during the unrar portion, idk about the repair), etc, etc? Just a thought.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby Calahan » Tue Jul 10, 2018 3:09 pm

While auto-downloading all of a group, nearly all nfo files of sets, are not moved to the unrar folder location.
So downloading to drive 1, downloads rar, nfo, sfv and jpg files, then all rar files are unpacked to drive 2.
Sometimes (not very often) all nfo, sfv, and jpg files are on drive 2 and the download folder for the set was deleted on drive 1.
At the moment it seems that all sfv and jpg files are moved to the second drive, but nearly all nfo files remain in the folder on the first drive.
Don't know why, but sometimes the nfo file is moved too, but only in rare cases it seems.

Both drives are using the folder name addon $(RAWSUBJECT).
Main download folder: J:\!G\$(GROUP)\$(RAWSUBJECT)\
UnRAR folder in group properties: L:\!D\$(RAWSUBJECT)\

Please move all files of a set to the unrar drive location.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby Quade » Tue Jul 10, 2018 8:15 pm

Are they covered by the PAR files? If the PAR files include the NFO files, they should be moved. If they don't, they won't be moved.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby EvanVanVan2 » Tue Jul 10, 2018 9:49 pm

Yet again can't unrar. AutoPar is essentially useless to me with this 2x space minimum. :evil: Looking to unrar a 75gb file, 150 gb free is an insane amount of free space to require.... FWIW I'm unraring with winrar, and it pre-allocated the final mkv size.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby Calahan » Wed Jul 11, 2018 1:42 pm

Quade wrote:Are they covered by the PAR files? If the PAR files include the NFO files, they should be moved. If they don't, they won't be moved.
I don't know why all files of a set should be covered by PAR files to move them, as Newsbin knows which files are in a set,
but Yes, it seems they are covered by PAR files as the 13 downloaded sets all had a nfo file and all were covered by PAR files.
8 folders of those 13 were left on the download drive with the nfo files which weren't moved.

So it seems to work sometimes and sometimes not.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby Quade » Wed Jul 11, 2018 4:02 pm

as Newsbin knows which files are in a set,

Newsbin ID's sets by parid.

but Yes, it seems they are covered by PAR files as the 13 downloaded sets all had a nfo file and all were covered by PAR files.

So you used quickpar and it indicated the NFO was part of the PAR set?
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby Voyager62 » Thu Jul 12, 2018 6:44 am

Quade wrote:512 is a reasonable size. You might want to experiment with downloading to the 512 then unraring to the NAS.

I'm doing this in my case using and have upgraded to a 2 TB SSD, but still have the problem with extraction permanently ceasing if the NAS is disconnected momentarily. Can you verify that Newsbin will not automatically restart even if the drive is reconnected and how do I get it to restart short of restarting Newsbin? This is why I used to only download to the internal drive, but using SickRage to handle all the PLEX uploads was too tempting.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby Quade » Thu Jul 12, 2018 11:12 am

but still have the problem with extraction permanently ceasing if the NAS is disconnected momentarily.

I don't know. As I pointed out in your original post on this topic, My suggestion is to fix the underlying problem. It's possible an additional PAR download could kick off the unrar again. That's how it works on normal setups.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby Calahan » Thu Jul 12, 2018 3:29 pm

Quade wrote:So you used quickpar and it indicated the NFO was part of the PAR set?
Yes, I checked them all with Multipar and the nfo file was listed everytime.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby Calahan » Mon Jul 16, 2018 2:15 pm

Today I had another problem which happened from time to time before.

A set in a group (auto download group) had one nfo, one sfv, rar and par files.
I saw in the group list, that the nfo file wasn't downloaded.
It's a small file with only one block (which was available everytime before, when this happened).

On my second (unrar) drive, the unpacked data and the sfv file was there, but the nfo file was missing.
This is a very strange behavior, because I recovered the rar and par files from the recycle bin and used Multipar to check the par set.
The nfo file was part of the par set and should have been recovered through the repair process.

So first problem, nfo file wasn't downloaded at all and second problem it wasn't created through repair as it is in the par set.
Still using 6.81B3 - Build: 5068.
I could PM you the group, you could setup the auto download with two drives (download and unrar), download the headers of today and see what happens.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby Voyager62 » Mon Jul 16, 2018 2:25 pm

Your broken setup though isn't something I can test for. The unrar should fail and then the next file set unrar but the failing unrar combined with the free space check might give unexpected results.

What broken setup? My setup works great until I have to pickup the laptop and the USB cable comes loose. This is normal for USB 3.0 It was a bastardized design to allow backward connections with USB 2.0.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby Quade » Mon Jul 16, 2018 3:53 pm

What broken setup? My setup works great until I have to pickup the laptop and the USB cable comes loose.

The setup you...broke then? Software can't fix you unplugging the hard drive.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 3 Available...

Postby Calahan » Mon Jul 16, 2018 8:44 pm

Voyager62 wrote:... until I have to pickup the laptop and the USB cable comes loose.
You can try the program "HotSwap!" from Kazuyuki Nakayama. For the link google for "HotSwap! Mt.Naka".
If you started the program you can right click on the icon in the info bar and choose "Scan for hardware changes", then the USB drive should be accessible again.
(Normally you would switch SATA harddisks with it. That's the reason I use it, but if my USB drive wasn't recognized, I use the scan function.)

On the other side, if your drive is accessible from explorer and only Newsbin doesn't see it anymore, it would be of no help.
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