6.80 RC6 - $(RAWSUBJECT)

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6.80 RC6 - $(RAWSUBJECT)

Postby Calahan » Fri Mar 09, 2018 9:51 am

In Options->Settings->Setup->Main Download folder: I changed $(SUBJECT) to $(RAWSUBJECT).
Setting is now: "J:\!G\$(GROUP)\$(RAWSUBJECT)\"
But instead of using the raw subject , all downloads go to a folder named "$(RAWSUBJECT)".

In the group properties (where I enabled "Automatic Download. Add all new posts to the download list."), I've done the same.
I changed the property "UnRAR folder:" to "G:\!D\$(RAWSUBJECT)\"
The result is the same, all files were unpacked to a folder named "$(RAWSUBJECT)".

By the way, the help text for "$(RAWSUBJECT)" is wrong. It says "The current date". (Column "What the Path Symbols mean".)
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Re: 6.80 RC6 - $(RAWSUBJECT)

Postby Quade » Fri Mar 09, 2018 11:24 am

Something doesn't seem right with RAWSUBJECT - it doesn't seem to be being processed correctly. I might have to rename it.

I'm going to investigate today.
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Re: 6.80 RC6 - $(RAWSUBJECT)

Postby Calahan » Sat Mar 17, 2018 10:50 am

Testing RC7 now. Can confirm that $(RAWSUBJECT) now creates folders named like the subject.
That helps very much. Thanks for that!

Can you strip blanks and "-" characters from the right side of the folders (at last)?
Would be another step to perfection ;)

When setting paths, the help text for "$(RAWSUBJECT)" is still wrong. It says "The current date". (Column "What the Path Symbols mean".)
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