downloads hang or take forever with RC5..

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downloads hang or take forever with RC5..

Postby mesadude » Thu Feb 22, 2018 2:55 pm

I'll have say 3000 pics in the download queue, as usual. With RC2 they zipped right through the download process.
With RC5, they fill the download queue, and take forever. Like one at a time for minutes on end. Maybe get 500 to come thru before the 'speed progress' starts showing 0Mbps/0Mbps, and the system stalls out.
I'll restart and a few of from the queue will trickle in till the system halts again. And I can hear the harddrive chugging away the whole time. Whether downloads are flowing or stalled.

Reverted back to RC2 just now and the queue flew through as usual.
I'm sticking with RC2 until wtv is happening can be resolved.
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Re: downloads hang or take forever with RC5..

Postby Quade » Thu Feb 22, 2018 4:02 pm

What OS are you running? 32 or 64 bits?

I can tell you that with my testing of RC5, I downloaded over 500,000 images . Typically I'd feed 100,000 at a time.
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Re: downloads hang or take forever with RC5..

Postby mesadude » Thu Feb 22, 2018 11:23 pm

Win 10 64, up to date.
For some reason they hang. It's not the first time I've run into this. Different versions trigger different download results off and on.
This seems to have brought back the hang problem. At least on my big system.
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Re: downloads hang or take forever with RC5..

Postby Calahan » Thu Mar 08, 2018 2:24 pm

Don't know if it's the same problem, but I disabled my VPN, so it is hopefully not the reason, but every now and then my RC5 Newsbin hangs.
I see several header downloads with 0/0 and one or more hanging downloads. (Every 15 minutes Newsbin does a header download.)
Download speed shows 0. Restart of Newsbin continues the downloads. Tried pause on and off, but download doesn't continue.

I think about going back to a beta version which worked. As I have Auto Download activated, a hanging Newsbin is fatal for me.
When I see Newsbin hangs and I do a restart, the files to download are sometimes gone.

Never had something before. But I remember having hanging downloads before, when I activated the speed limiter. After the download speed went to 0, I often had to restart Newsbin.
As I need my open vpn installation for work, I think I will try an older beta version. On the other side I will test RC2 which helped @mesadude...
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Re: downloads hang or take forever with RC5..

Postby dexter » Thu Mar 08, 2018 5:44 pm

Quade made an internal change in how he talks to the news server that could be causing delays and then a connection loss in some cases. I suggest you try RC6 and see if it behaves better. It was just released today.
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Re: downloads hang or take forever with RC5..

Postby MSWallack » Thu Mar 29, 2018 11:23 pm

I am using RC7 and am still having the same problem (or similar problem) to the OP. If I recall, the problem started with RC5. When I had a bunch of files to my download queue, the first group won't download. They just ... sit there and do nothing. When I add more files, the first group seems to block the rest. If I sort the list so that the stuck files move down, others will download until the stuck files get back to the top. Pausing and restarting does nothing. But if I pause the downloads, close NewsBin, then restart it and restart the downloads, they work fine.
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Re: downloads hang or take forever with RC5..

Postby Quade » Thu Mar 29, 2018 11:46 pm

Did you look into the logging tab while this was going on? I've downloaded a bunch with RC7 so, I'm looking for some symptoms.
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Re: downloads hang or take forever with RC5..

Postby MSWallack » Fri Mar 30, 2018 9:10 am

No, I didn't think to look at the logging (didn't even recall that functionality existed). Next time the problem recurs, I'll do so and post what I find.
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Re: downloads hang or take forever with RC5..

Postby MSWallack » Sat Mar 31, 2018 1:56 pm

It happened again. A huge batch downloaded properly, but two of the very first files that I added (perhaps the first two) did not. They just sat at the top of the queue. I moved them to the bottom and when they got to the top ... nothing. I checked the log (I'd turned it to DEBUG) and I couldn't quite make sense of things. So I paused the download for those two files, cleared the log, and then resumed the download. Still no activity. The log starts with 4 entries of NZB File Load Checking (note that I'm not downloading an NZB file or from an NZB file; just some cbr files). Then there are a bunch of "Download Idle Connection Closed: UsenetServer" and "Download Idle Connection" entires. Those repeat a few times. Then there are dozens (with more being added all the time) of "NZB File Load Checking" entries.

Then I closed NewsBin, waited a few minutes, and started again. This time, the files downloaded. (I copied the log to the clipboard, but apparently it only copied one line.)
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Re: downloads hang or take forever with RC5..

Postby Quade » Sun Apr 01, 2018 1:10 pm

I've just noticed that PAR only sets aren't clearing the download list in RC7. I wonder if your stalled downloads only contain PAR files?
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Re: downloads hang or take forever with RC5..

Postby MSWallack » Sun Apr 01, 2018 1:18 pm

Nope. They were just .cbr files.
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