Speed Limiter works like pause

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Speed Limiter works like pause

Postby Calahan » Wed Feb 21, 2018 12:58 pm


I searched for my issue in the forum and found many posts, but no solution.
I think the Speed Limiter worked in the past.

I think I used 6.80b9 and realized, that everytime I turn the Speed Limiter on, the downloads stopped.
I could set it to any speed. I tried speeds under 20 Mbit/s and tried higher limits as 11 MB/s.
Everyime I turned on the Speed Limiter, the downloads stopped.

I now updated to 6.80 rc5, but no change.
Can you fix the Speed Limiter please?

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Re: Speed Limiter works like pause

Postby Quade » Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:18 pm

I use the speed limiter every day and don't have this issue.

How fast is your connection and how many connections are you using to the news server?
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Re: Speed Limiter works like pause

Postby Calahan » Wed Feb 21, 2018 5:55 pm

I have a 100 mbit/s connection and tried from 2 to 20 connections, made no difference.
But I thought, if it works for you, maybe it is only on my side.

Today I installed Open VPN to use VPN.
I tried to check what it does, if I connect or disconnect.
Sometimes the Speed Limiter works sometimes not, don't know why.
Sometimes Newsbin doesn't download anymore at all. (Doesn't connect.)
Then I had to restart Newsbin. I think OpenVPN could be the reason.

So at the moment forget my post :)
I will test the next days...

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Re: Speed Limiter works like pause

Postby Ocean » Tue Feb 27, 2018 11:31 pm

Quade wrote:I use the speed limiter every day and don't have this issue.

How fast is your connection and how many connections are you using to the news server?

Quade, I posted this same issue under another thread that never got replied to.


So he's not the only one. But for me, it happened to 6.73 x64 - all of a sudden. As in, it worked just fine under that installation one day, but not the next (or any point after that). It's as if something changed on the usenet server side of things in a way that made NewsBin's approach unworkable.
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