I just upgraded to Newsbin 6.70 beta 7. I haven't been able to do much backwards testing, due to timing. Also, I had too many variables to rule out what the cause was.
I built a new server for Plex, Newsbin & Sonarr. Stood it all up, everything seemed to work, except the communication between Sonarr & Newsbin. Sonarr would show, and log that it sent the info to Newsbin, but Newsbin did nothing. Nothing would show as if it got the message. I rolled back to Newsbin Beta 5, and it started working perfectly. I went back to beta 7, it broke again, so I went back to beta 5. (That was the last beta I happened to have a quick copy of.)
The reason I can't say for sure what the real cause was, is due to how many things changed at once. I moved everything to a much larger server. Sonarr decided to auto-update in the middle of this. It could be (came out March 12, 2016) of Sonarr broke beta 7, or beta 7 broke it. I'm not sure which. I was just curious if anyone else has a similar setup with Newsbin and is having this same issue.