the same still true for beta 8 as it was for beta 5 and beta 7, as I wrote before:
Downloading just stops suddenly with cache: 0/200
I really don't know what to do:
If I use beta 3, it works fine and does not stop downloading, but it produces lots of incomplete files without marking them (with names in capital letters) as incompletes.
With beta 8, there are still suspiciously many incompletes (at least in book groups) but most of them are in capital letters. Still, not all of them - but perhaps some files cannot be recognized by NewsBin as incompletes without pars.
So, with beta 3 I have lots of garbage shown as successful downloads and have to spend hours checking each file manually, with beta 8, downloading just stops suddenly and does not continue.
I think I need to go back at least to 6.55 - is it possible after using 6.60? I think, download lists are incompatible, anything else?