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Another "Umlauts" Problem (AutoPAR)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 2:54 pm
by oskar21
Sorry, may be, You are already aware off my minor problem. If so, excuse me and don't hesitate to erase this redundant message!

What happens is:

If Autopar is on and a downloaded file with "Umlauts" (ÄÖÜßäöü) in the file-name given by the upper has a par2 -error, the file will be fixed using the par2 - files as it should, but is given a new name with some "Chinese" letters in it instead of the umlauts. These files with the new names are not longer recognized as members of the par2 - set and so the automatic repair fails.

Its up to me than, to change the names of the repaired files manually and Autopar will properly finish it's job.

As I remember, I'm using Newsbin since 2005 (maybe longer) and I think, You did a very good job. Congratulations and good luck!

mfg Horst

Re: Another "Umlauts" Problem (AutoPAR)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 9:16 am
by Quade
PM me information about the sets of files and I'll check it out when I get back. I'm out of town till saturday.