This is a new problem, I noticed it in 6.20, it is also still present in 6.30 beta 2.
Previously everything was working fine, not sure until which version
If there are files with the same name, they are autorenamed:
In discript.ion file, now each file is present incorrectly as the same:
It should be (and previously was !!!):
This new change makes description files pretty much useless.
Previously, it was possible to look/search inside the descript.ion file and know which exactly file you needed.
Now it is no longer possible.
Furthermore, if a file such as file1-(0002).rar is copied or moved to a different folder (with FAR, for example), the descrip.tion files in the source and target folders are not updated, so in both folders they become out of date.
In the source folder, some description lines remain in descript.ion file without the corresponding actual files present, in the target folder, descript.ion file is not created or, if already present, the corresponding new line is not added.
I am explaining all this in detail because I have an uneasy feeling that it was done deliberately as an "improvement".
If so, no, it is NOT an improvement!!!
It is a very nasty bug, it makes working with downloaded files so much more difficult and many times more time-consuming.
Please restore the previous behavior, or add to preferences a choice.