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Changed Usenet Provider Trouble DLing Old Headers

PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 2:02 am
by bertm
I changed Usenet Providers and want to update from old headers forward. I am continually limited to 119,999,900 headers with the initial DL. I have to repeatedly DL "special 10,000,000 older posts" but multimedia maxes out at about 400 - 500 days. Through your demo search I have seen over 800 days or more on the server.

I deleted everything in the spool before starting DL from new provider and I reselected all interested groups from new server.
DL Age, Display Age, and Storage Age are all set to 1260 (more than Server provides).

Now, a confession:
I have loaded Newsbin program, spool and parameter files on a separate drive - not C or operating system drive. The only file on drive C is "GuiItems.db3."

Is there something I should be doing? Is this because I am using a 32 bit XP?

Re: Changed Usenet Provider Trouble DLing Old Headers

PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 2:29 am
by Quade
This isn't unusual for some of the lesser news servers. They cap total headers to 100-120 million headers. This is only really a problem though if you wipe headers and don't have headers from your previous server. .

So, say you have Giganews and downloaded 1200 days worth of headers. When you switched servers and started downloading headers, the headers from the new server would get combined with the older giganews headers and you'd just move forward in time. On the other hand, if you "download all headers". You'll wipe the old headers you might have have and only get the 120 million headers the new server can deliver. Basically I'm saying there's no reason to wipe the old headers. You can keep on using them.

Easy way to test this. In the network options set "Show server commands" then right click a busy group and "download lastest".

[00:27:28] HIGH NNTPSocket - 211 286556299 2894510 289450808 alt.binaries.teevee

211 = everything is good
286556299 = total count of records
2894510 = first record index
289450808 = last record index
alt.binaries.teevee = name

So, giganews has
286,556,299 - Almost 300 million headers in this group.

Re: Changed Usenet Provider Trouble DLing Old Headers

PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:17 am
by bertm
I understand, Thanks.

Re: Changed Usenet Provider Trouble DLing Old Headers

PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:39 am
by Quade
Another option is go get a free giganews trial and then get headers from them during the trial.