Quade wrote:Scanning sub-folders is a feature. It lets you organize your downloads by dumping your NZB's into specific folders and telling Newsbin to use these folders as part of the destination folder.
I suspected so, i just don't use it that way. I just have a global "downloads" folder and i expected it to autoload any NZBs found in it and then delete them from there without bothering me much. It's a simpler way than what you describe.
Quade wrote:You know you can disable the main popup error window?
I can
Where is that please?
Quade wrote:Experienced people know to look in the logging tab.
I know. I got irritated by the counter on the log tab constantly being updated with those XML error messages, even when newsbin was idle so i ended up closing it (the log tab). Currently i've re-opened it and disabled the NZB autoload path so it's more quiet now.
The hole concept is not that important to me. From what i understood, it's designed to work in a more rich way than what i need, which is causing me some issues (constantly trying to read and process all files in my downloads folder is not that efficient and i find the constant increment of log entries irritating, even when newsbin is idle). Anyway, as i said, i decided to disable that feature, after all one can always manually add an NZB so...