1) In version 5, after perusing the post list, I would right click and select "Mark all old" and all entries in the post list would disappear. In version 6 this doesn't happen - it looks like nothing happens (I know NB does mark the posts as old -just not visibly). I get around this by a "select all" and then hitting the 'Delete' key.
2)My group list has four GOGs and is auto-hid. After an "Update all the groups" if I move the cursor over the hidden group list it pops out. The first time I select a GOG (any one of the four) and "Show posts" the group list retracts automatically when I move the cursor off it. With showing posts for any subsequent GOG the group list stays out - I have to click another tab to get the group list to retract.
PS - I feel version 6 is a significant improvement over version 5 - just have to get used to it.