Quade wrote:You know the autopar tab is gone right? For me, I see the download list and the autopar tab combined. If I just clear out the download list, you won't really know that the files have been repaired and are perfect.
Well, I do inspect the integrety of the files manually with multipar. And then unrar it. So I know if the files are good.
As a I wrote, it is a matter of diskspace for me and of course an old habit of controlling all for myself
Sure harddisks are not expensive I could buy an sdd/hdd for just the big 40GB downloads.
Quade wrote:So, from my perspective, when unrar is disabled, it should stay there waiting for you to manually unrar the files. Also it needs an "Autopar" like column that tells you the state of the files. So, at a glance you can see that they're at 100% or needing repair or something. That's the direction I'm going anyway. Not saying it won't eventually be optional.
Optional would be nice. If autounrar and autopar are off it could clean the fully downloaded files from the list, as in 5.xx. And if autounrar and autopar are on, it would be the direction you intend to be going.
Don't get me wrong, the all fully automatical approach appeals to me, but sometimes I need full control over my downloads without going into options.
Or maybe a checkbox in options under autopar options saying: clear downloads from downloadlist when fully downloaded if autopar and autounrar are turned off?