Since upgrading to the current build of v6 I've noticed that the default view for posts is compacted. This used to be a toggle option but I can't see where it's moved to. Is the option to switch it off still available? For me it makes reading my daily updated headers a real pain and I miss more than I spot so I'd love to have the option to disable it return again.
Also, I seem to be having issues when adding new people to my killfile. In v5 I used to find someone I wanted to ignore and then right click/lock out poster and as long as my filter was enabled then that spammer would never be seen again. In v6 I try the same, get a prompt to add optional text to the kill file entry, ensure my filter is enabled and then click OK and to my dismay the posting is still there. Am I doing something wrong in the new version?
If it's a case of these features not being available quite yet then I'll turn my volume down and sit it out.
If this has already been mentioned in other threads, then I apologise. I did skim through the various forums before typing this, although not super-thoroughly.
Thanks as always & keep up the most excellent work.