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Search hangs when searching for a quoted search term

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:58 am
by Andreas
Today, when I search with Internet Search for a quoted term like "abc def", NewsBin 6 just waits and waits and waits for a reply from the server.

Note 1: Yesterday this was working without any problems (after Dex repaired something about quoted searching).

Note 2: When this hanging problem occurs, searching for normal, not-quoted search terms also hangs (after restarting NewsBin). This problem lasts for a few minutes, and then everything is back to normal -- until the next quoted search.

Note 3: When this hanging problem occurs, pressing "Cancel Search" does not cancel the search. Maybe this is the only NewsBin 6 beta related problem here, and the hanging itself is a general Internet Search problem.

Re: Search hangs when searching for a quoted search term

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:00 pm
by Andreas
Actually, it doesn't hang forever. After a few minutes, the search results are displayed.

And now I think I know why it needs so long: I had a filter for "Min Size" active. After I set this filter back to "None", the results were displayed after about 10 seconds, which is normal for a quoted search.

So I guess the "hanging" is not a bug, i.e. you really have to wait several minutes for the results when you do a quoted search with an active "Min Size" filter.

However, one problem remains: "Cancel Search" does not work, at least not in this case.

Re: Search hangs when searching for a quoted search term

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:42 pm
by dexter
Yeah, it doesn't like using file size constraints. I've though of an optimization though. Probably best not to use it until I get it worked out.

I'll add to the list the ability to make Cancel Search actually cancel something.