6.80 RC5 - File/folder (re)naming

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6.80 RC5 - File/folder (re)naming

Postby Calahan » Sat Mar 03, 2018 10:23 pm

Folder names of imported nzb's are very often not renamed correctly. My nzb files have the password in {{}} at the end of the filename. In all versions I used before (don't know exactly which one) the password with the {{}} around was cut off. Now with RC5 I get results from "foldername{", "foldername{{abc123" to no renaming at all ("foldername{{abc123}}").
I have to rename nearly every download manually.

I often use $Subject (cleaned up copy of the subject) to sort my downloaded files, when I auto download from groups, but I'm not happy with the results.
$Subject cuts of all numbers (I can't think of any reason why numbers should be deleted from the folder name).
Maybe "_" can be converted to space, but renaming dots to spaces and cut of numbers deletes all version text.
If a subject contains "Version 1.12" for example you get "Version " as a result.
Very annoying is that in some groups there are postings for "2 devices", say AB1 and AB2 for example. The result is all I see is AB and I don't know it is AB1 or AB2.

I think $Subject should only delete those characters which are not allowed in file/folder names.
In my own programs I change: /\|<> to _ , " to ' , ? to . , : to ; and * to #.
Last edited by Calahan on Sun Mar 04, 2018 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: File/folder (re)naming

Postby Quade » Sun Mar 04, 2018 4:03 pm

I assume this is 6.80B5.

I'll check out the password cleaner. It shouldn't be inconsistent. As for the subject cleaner, there doesn't seem to be any way to please everyone. I'll have to think about it. Maybe a switch to enable and disable the number remover.
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Re: 6.80 RC5 - File/folder (re)naming

Postby Calahan » Mon Mar 05, 2018 12:53 pm

Just looked at subjects and I understand why you delete []() and numbers.
I think it's no solution to leave all numbers or delete all numbers in the subject.

The remover has to be more intelligent. It should only remove subject parts like (x/y) or [x/y].
By the way, the cleaner also removes dates and sizes as "2,45 GB" for exmaple.
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Re: 6.80 RC5 - File/folder (re)naming

Postby Quade » Mon Mar 05, 2018 7:02 pm

I fixed the password cleaner.

$Subject cuts of all numbers (I can't think of any reason why numbers should be deleted from the folder name).

For you, you want the numbers, for people who download other file types, the numbers would spread the files over many folders. That's why I say there's no right answer or rather there's no answer that pleases everyone.

I'll add a new field called "RAWSUBJECT" that doesn't touch numbers. I'll also not remove - and _. I'm not seeing it remove or change "."'s but I'll verify.
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Re: 6.80 RC5 - File/folder (re)naming

Postby Calahan » Mon Mar 05, 2018 8:54 pm

Quade wrote:the numbers would spread the files over many folders.
That's the reason I wrote "The remover has to be more intelligent. It should only remove subject parts like (x/y) or [x/y]".
Leaving numbers that are part of the posting process or the packed files makes no sense for me.
Nobody wants 10 folders with (1/10), (2/10) or [1/10], ... [10/10].
It's the same with "yEnc". It's part of the posting protocol and can be removed.
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