I have noticed with this series of betas, that my cache drops down and typically doesn't return, and my chunks folder grows to pretty massive sizes.
My settings:
I have my cache bumped to 2000 (up from the default 200).
My Chunks folder is on a cheap SSD drive.
Windows 10 x64
AutoPar options set to Automatically UnRar Complete files
Delete RARs and PARs on successful UnRar
Aggressive Assembly mode
Most downloads are all via Sonarr automation with Newsbin.
My issue:
In the morning I will check on newsbin, Chunks will always be somewhere typically under 500/2000 and won't return unless I do the "Help, About Newsbin" trick.
My chunks folder will sometimes reach massive sizes. This morning I cleared out over 10 gigs of stuff in that folder.
To me, if Newsbin doesn't have an active download going on, shouldn't the Cache return to 2000/2000, and shouldn't the chunks folder be emptied? Is there a housekeeping schedule at which it does these, or should I just keep manually cleaning it out?
Let me know if any additional information is needed.