Quade wrote:mimauk
Just for grins, disable the VM server, set one of the easy servers to fill and the other normal and try some downloads. Just a guess but, it sounds like the VM server is stalling but, because a stall isn't an error, the fill servers don't kick in. Fills only kick in when and actual error happens. No errors = no start.
Ok I disabled the VM server set the Eu server as "main" and the US server as "fill" and set a seperate colour for each server. Put 2 files in the Download list and expanded them to see where they downloaded from.
The first file started downloading from the "main" server stopped after a couple of MB and then continued downloading from the "main" server.
I reset everything back to normal and put 24 files in the download list and they started downloading from the VM server but the speed was up and down from 100MB to 20MB for files 24,23,22,21 but it stalled again on file 20. Disabled the 2 Easynews servers and the download restarted with the speed up and down. Enabled the Easynews servers again and the downloads continued with the speed very erratic.
I use Bitmeter2 up in the corner of my screen to monitor my download totals and speed and the speed graph is up and down.
I added 2 more files from a tv group and the downloads continued with the speed erratic. For grins I unchecked the "fill" boxes on the Easynews servers and the speed smoothed out at 100MB - checked them again and the speed became erratic again.
The download stalled again with 5 files to go - disabled only one of the Easynews servers and the download started from the VM server and then stopped again. Disabled both Easynews servers and the download started with a smooth 100MB.
So definitely a problem with the decision making of where to download from as far as I can see.