How can I get the AutoPAR to auto assemble incompletes?

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How can I get the AutoPAR to auto assemble incompletes?

Postby snes150 » Thu Nov 17, 2011 5:20 pm

The AutoPAR in this program is SO ANNOYING. I'm on the latest beta and using a shit provider where I must dodge completion issues on older articles.

Half the time the AutoPAR just fails to do its job. I find myself having to highlight all the RARs, select "Assemble Incompletes," (because there's usually a dozen broken ones) and then I have to unpause all the PAR2s in the program. They always get paused automatically when I open an nzb. THEN the program starts doing its job and starts downloading the PAR2 files, repairs, and unrars automatically. Why doesn't it just assemble the broken RARs and grab the PAR2s to fix them automatically?

When I have dozens of RAR packages in the queue all a little broken because my provider is incompetent, this gets tedious.

I had this problem before on newer files because the program wouldn't do this automatically if the files were posted within the last 48 hours - but I'm talking about stuff 500 days old I'm having AutoPAR problems with now.
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