Every file incomplete since upgrade to 6

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Every file incomplete since upgrade to 6

Postby idbirch2 » Thu Feb 03, 2011 4:42 pm

Strange one this, not sure what the problem is. I upgraded to 6 yesterday and threw my first big batch of new downloads into it this evening. The first couple of downloads were showing every file missing a few KB but I found I could right-click -> Assemble Incompletes adn they repaired OK. They were old files (then again, 700 days isn't really "old" on Giga these days) so I thought maybe that was why but now newer posts are also doing the same thing. Any ideas? Here are 2 screenshots of my current download queue so you get the idea:


I have never seen this behaviour in v5.x so seems too much of a coincidence that it suddenly happens when going up to 6 no?
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Re: Every file incomplete since upgrade to 6

Postby DThor » Thu Feb 03, 2011 4:49 pm

Certainly a lot of us have been downloading in volume for some time without this - has this just happened once? Constantly? Occasionally? Also, did you convert spools over, or did you just download headers from scratch?

My first thought is, it's a fluke. Bad post, takedown, etc. Also, verify any antivirus is recognizing the new v6 as an accepted program. The actual name of the executable has changed.

V6 Troubleshooting FAQ . V6 docs. Usenet info at Usenet Tools. Thanks!
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Re: Every file incomplete since upgrade to 6

Postby Quade » Thu Feb 03, 2011 4:49 pm

Did you tell your virus scanner to leave Newsbin 6 alone? I can tell you, during the alpha testing and even last night when I downloaded 36 GB off my test server, I saw nothing like this.

There are no retries. The fact assemble incompletes completes the files and they repair suggests to me that you're getting some failures that might fix themselves if it retried. Having to "Assemble Incompletes" means that all the chunks didn't download so, that's why they're short.
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Re: Every file incomplete since upgrade to 6

Postby idbirch2 » Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:53 pm

OK, I'll add the new .exe to MSS's exceptions list and see but I never had to do that with v5, and now I look at my download list again, something's definitely not right. I've clicked properties on the parent and I get this:


That properties sheet is for the file list in my first screenshot in the original post - they clearly don't match. The download list says every file is missing a tiny fraction, the Autopar properties says one file is damaged (further up, part 2 is missing 2 blocks) and just one file is missing with all others complete. Interestingly, the file it says is missing in Autopar properties is the file which still has a green sliver in the original screenshot - stuck connection? Seems to be happening a lot because in the connections tab, only 1 of my 8 connections is actually doing anything - 2 say "None" and the other 5 are just stuck on 220 responses. Thoughts?
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Re: Every file incomplete since upgrade to 6

Postby Quade » Thu Feb 03, 2011 6:28 pm

I think some of the chunks failed, assemble incompletes made them short and repair did what it was supposed to do. If the file finished downloading other than the bad chunk, then I'm not surprised the connections aren't doing anything.

The only question is why did that one chunk fail. Logging might tell you.
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Re: Every file incomplete since upgrade to 6

Postby idbirch2 » Thu Feb 03, 2011 8:15 pm

OK, maybe I wasn't clear. I didn't do an assemble incompletes on this post, I left just left Newsbin to try and sort it out. No repair was done either, that file set is essentially stuck in my queue doing nothing. Also, I didn't mention that there's still over 100GB of queued items after this - surely the connections shouldn't stop dead when this is the case?

So to rephrase what I was trying to get at - with this fileset essentally completely stalled, why does the Autopar Properties window show a completely different status to the downloads list? Any why are connections going idle or getting stuck when there's still work to do?
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Re: Every file incomplete since upgrade to 6

Postby Quade » Thu Feb 03, 2011 8:29 pm

OK, maybe I wasn't clear. I didn't do an assemble incompletes on this post, I left just left Newsbin to try and sort it out. No repair was done either, that file set is essentially stuck in my queue doing nothing

There are no retries.

That means there are no retries. What you see is what you get. If you just leave it sitting, then sitting is all it's going to do.
There's no automatic assemble incompletes either.

Was supposed to be in the release notes but, I might not have re-enforced this with Dex. What this means is, when something goes wrong, you need to fix it by hand. Perhaps, I wasn't clear enough about that here too.
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Re: Every file incomplete since upgrade to 6

Postby idbirch2 » Thu Feb 03, 2011 8:39 pm

OK, that could be it - if retries were implemented maybe I wouldn't have seen this however you didn't really answer either of my questions :)

Seems to me the downloads list isn't getting updated properly with the real status of my files - at least the Size column isn't. In fact, now I have rebooted all my equipment and set Newsbin off again (seems ok now) I can see this happens will all files, even those that succesfully download.

I'm watching a post unrar right now and yet all the files are still missing about 2MB (according to the Size column). Is this just a simple case of that size column being borked? Because all these files that are showing 2mb short, they do have a green icon on the far left and 'Properties' of each one says 'All Posts Available'. Am I really the only one seeing this?
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Re: Every file incomplete since upgrade to 6

Postby Quade » Thu Feb 03, 2011 8:41 pm

Par files. They don't get downloaded unless they need to be downloaded.

Have you tried opening up the item and looking at the files inside? You can see what's not downloading. Click on the arrow.
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Re: Every file incomplete since upgrade to 6

Postby idbirch2 » Thu Feb 03, 2011 9:04 pm

Yes, that's exactly what I'm looking at (an expanded view of all the files in a post) and like I say, the size column reckons every single file is short ~2MB which isn't correct as when it gets to the last file, it starts to unrar. Even during unraring, the size column continues displaying numbers that suggest the files aren't finished. Here's another screenshot so you can see what I mean:


See how the size column suggests (to me at least) that the files aren't complete. Yet the green icons far left and fact that it's unraring suggest otherwise. I think the problem I had earlier was maybe just some choked connections but this size column wierdness led me to believe that all my files were incomplete. Am I missing some cryptic meaning in the numbers here or can you confirm my size column is acting wierd?
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