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6.90B12 Saving Files To Folder Named for newsgroup NOT NZB

PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2021 2:08 pm
by n4aof
The way newsbin downloads posts based on headers has not changed, but the way it downloads posts based on NZB's is completely different. In previous versions, when you downloaded files based on an NZB, newsbin would save the files in a folder matching the name of the NZB.

Suddenly this B12 is saving files into a folder based on which newsgroup it downloaded the file from!

This morning I had newsbin download the post for four different NZB files. Each of those NZB files was (as ususal) named for the specific content. Ordinarily I would have found those files downloaded in four separate folders under my Newsbin Download folder, with each folder named just like the NZB file. But today I find all four sets of files downloaded to a single subfolder called a.b.misc which I assume is the newsgroup alt.binaries.misc where newsbin found the posts.

This is unacceptable. I don't care which newsgroup newsbin downloads files from, but I do care which NZB it used. It makes absolutely zero sense to dump all the files into a folder named for the newsgroup rather than by the NZB name.

How do I get B12 to save files to a folder named for the NZB, like all previous versions did????

Re: 6.90B12 Saving Files To Folder Named for newsgroup NOT N

PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2021 2:32 pm
by Quade
This is unacceptable. I don't care which newsgroup newsbin downloads files from, but I do care which NZB it used. It makes absolutely zero sense to dump all the files into a folder named for the newsgroup rather than by the NZB name.

It's all about what options you have set. How are you feeding the NZB's to Newsbin?

If you want it to use the NZB Filename, $(NZBFILE) needs to be in the download and/or unrar folders.

If you're "autoloading" the NZB using a folder, you might need to set at least the unrar path to include $(NZBFILE).

Re: 6.90B12 Saving Files To Folder Named for newsgroup NOT N

PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2021 3:49 pm
by n4aof
Well, I guess that I would just love to grab a text editor and start suddenly editing some random configuration settings to undo the undocumented changes in B12 -- NOT!

I fed the NZB files to newsbin by dropping them in the \NewsBin\NzbAutoLoad folder just like I always have.

I have not made any changes to my configuration -- any changes are whatever Beta 12 did on its own.

All I want is for newsbin 6.90B12 to put the files it downloads into the same places that every previous version put them.

Re: 6.90B12 Saving Files To Folder Named for newsgroup NOT N

PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2021 11:10 pm
by Quade
In the NZB options, in the main options, there should be a list with at least one entry. That entry should be what loads the NZBs out of the AutoloadNZB folder.

I'd suggest selecting it, right clicking and selecting "Properties" then assign a download and unrar folder that match where you want the download and the unrar to go. If you want it to use a path that includes the NZB you need to include $(NZBFILE) in the path.


For example.

You can set them both to the same folder if you wish. If you pick the "change" button, you don't have to type them in, you can pick from a list.

Re: 6.90B12 Saving Files To Folder Named for newsgroup NOT N

PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2021 2:23 am
by n4aof
Quade wrote:In the NZB options, in the main options, there should be a list with at least one entry. That entry should be what loads the NZBs out of the AutoloadNZB folder.

I'd suggest selecting it, right clicking and selecting "Properties" then assign a download and unrar folder that match where you want the download and the unrar to go. If you want it to use a path that includes the NZB you need to include $(NZBFILE) in the path.


For example.

You can set them both to the same folder if you wish. If you pick the "change" button, you don't have to type them in, you can pick from a list.

OK, I found "NZB Options" under "Settings" under the main "Options"

It has an entry titled "Download folder for downloads from NZB Files:" -- I would expect that entry to control where newsbin puts downloads from NZB files.

BUT the entry in that box is C:\Newsbin Download\$(NZBFILE)\ -- Golly gee, the option IS set to exactly where I want newsbin to put downloads from NZB files, exactly where all the previous versions were putting them -- in a folder named just like the NZB file.

The problem isn't my setting -- the problem is that newsbin 6.90B12 Build 5396 is ignoring the setting.


Re: 6.90B12 Saving Files To Folder Named for newsgroup NOT N

PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2021 2:53 am
by Quade
If you look on the left, there's a thing to click called "NZB Options" that's were the NZB Options I mentioned are.

Re: 6.90B12 Saving Files To Folder Named for newsgroup NOT N

PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2021 6:26 am
by Andy_Cov
I upgraded yesterday to 6.90B12 and it is doing exactly the same. Nzb's are auto loading ok but they are being put into newsgroup named folders rather then the $(NZBFILE)\ folder. Nothing else has changed.

Adding E:\xxxxx\$(NZBFILE)\ to the unRAR folder box partially fixes this. The downloaded files are still going into a newsgroup named folder but then being moved into $(NZBFILE)\ named folder after unRARing.

Re: 6.90B12 Saving Files To Folder Named for newsgroup NOT N

PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2021 1:06 pm
by Quade
Same answer I gave the OP. You can change the autoload download folder in the NZB Options.

I've decided this is a bug in that it's defaulting to the main download path instead of the main NZB download path when setting up the download so, it should revert to old behavior in the next beta.

Re: 6.90B12 Saving Files To Folder Named for newsgroup NOT N

PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2021 2:29 pm
by n4aof
Quade wrote:If you look on the left, there's a thing to click called "NZB Options" that's were the NZB Options I mentioned are.

Gotta love a setup that has the same setting separately in two different places.
And especially love a setting that offers selectable options that cannot be selected but have to be typed in manually.

So, there are two different places that each tell Newsbin where to put downloads from NZB files, and all the previous versions took the setting from Setup, but now Beta 12 suddenly needs to have the same setting repeated in a second location.

I've added that setting. We'll see if that helps.


Yes, that fixed it.

Thank you.

Re: 6.90B12 Saving Files To Folder Named for newsgroup NOT N

PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2021 2:08 am
by n4aof
Disregard my previous "thanks - that fixed it"

It did fix it -- ONCE -- for the session that was open when I made the change. The next time I opened newsbin it was right back to doing the same thing -- completely ignoring the settings that were already there

newsbin 6.90B12 is ignoring the NZB download path as set in the NZB settings and as shown in newsbin.ini
DownloadPath=C:\Newsbin Download\$(NZBFILE)\

I have now found that it is also ignoring the download path for files downloaded from headers as well. The download path is set to
DownloadPath=C:\Newsbin Download\$(GOG)\
but newsbin is using the group name, not the Group Of Groups name.

Changes made in newsbin are being written to the newsbin.ini file but when I open newsbin again it is simply ignoring them.