I'd just like to add to these error reports.
I upgraded to a new PC with Windows 10 (from Win 7), installed Newsbin and started getting these errors whenever I start a download (I only use NZBs these days because downloading headers from binary groups takes an eternity these days). It's kinda weird that it started happening on the new PC, because the login rejection error message obviously makes no sense in that context. But coming here I see that the problem doesn't only affect me.
[07/15 02:24:30] ERROR Error Unknown Download Exception
[07/15 02:24:51] ERROR Error Unknown Download Exception
[07/15 02:25:11] ERROR NNTP Perform Auth - NEWS SERVER ERROR: Giganews-The server rejected your login - contact your news service's support department. It's not a Problem with Newsbin : 481 invalid username or password [filename] "[filename.extension]" yEnc
ERROR Error Unknown Download Exception appears every time I start a download. Usually multiple times.
ERROR NNTP Perform Auth I usually get once or twice (but sometimes more often) before the server allows me to connect and downloads commence at regular speeds.
markeh wrote:I think this has gone on for about 3 or 4 days.
I posted the same question at Giganews support, who says:
'Our support staff is here 24x7x365 to provide expert and timely support."
Maybe they will have an answer.
Saves me from having to contact them. Looking forward to hearing their reply.