Ho to delete in groups + downloading list at the same time?

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Ho to delete in groups + downloading list at the same time?

Postby nbwul62 » Wed Apr 24, 2019 2:58 am

After loading a nzb file and trying to download it, it happens that the data is not available on the usenet server(s).
Newsbin will try and retry x times to download each and every file.

However, it is clear within the first 5-10 seconds (whilst using multiple connections) that neither of the files are available and I should simply forget it.
No use to continue.

I use multiple steps to stop/delete everything.
a. downloading files panel: ctrl-a, r-click: pause, then r-click delete, at the pop-up [Yes]
b. groups list: delete the entry (nzb)

Likely there is an easier way, I don't know.

1. Is there no way to do, let's say, a kind of 'Force-stop and clear' covering above actions?
2. in case of multiple nzb's are loaded and Newsbin trying to download the first one, but files are not available on the usenet servers, it will take quite some time before Newsbin proceeds to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc. nzb, files of which are available.
When I see that it is of no use trying to download the 1st nzb, which is 'standing in the way' of the others, then I pause the 1st one or manually move the others to top.

Would it not be possible that when Newsbin 'detects' that a nzb repeated fails, as said this is often clear within 5-10 seconds, then put it on hold (pause) and proceeds with the next one?
In the end offering a pop-up to force-stop and delete both (partial downloaded) files, if any, and the respective nzb.

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Re: Ho to delete in groups + downloading list at the same ti

Postby Quade » Wed Apr 24, 2019 10:47 am

The next beta, which is pretty close, will fail the download when it's failed 15%.

It seems like you're feeding the NZB's to the post list on top and then to the download list. My suggestion is to not do that anymore and feed directly to the download list. Use the NZB autoload feature or change the settings to feed the downloads directly to the download list when you double-click. This only really works if it's one file set per NZB though. With modern downloads, with random subjects, feeding the set to the download list is the most likely way for the download to work properly.

So I think the next beta will solve some of your issues. It still needs testing to make sure it's not too aggressive.
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Re: Ho to delete in groups + downloading list at the same ti

Postby nbwul62 » Sat May 11, 2019 6:17 am

Sorry for the delay.
Have been away for a while.

Thanks for the feedback.

Usually I double click .nzb or I add them to a nzb folder.

Now, the idea is to just have 1 option (button or whatever) to
- stop download attemps
- clear all entries both bottom (downloading files) list and the entry in the upper panel

A polite suggestion?
when I r-click on the download nzb tab in the middle, then a new option like 'Kill & Clean'
Kill tasks and cleanup any partial downloads.


Well, just an idea only.

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Re: Ho to delete in groups + downloading list at the same ti

Postby Quade » Sat May 11, 2019 4:16 pm

If you delete the downloads in the download list, it offers to clean the partial downloads off the drive too. That assumes they're grouped. The reason I suggested direct feed to the download list is so they can group properly.
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