Newsbin Pro 6.81
2 minor "problems" with descript.ion files. As I DL mostly from picture groups I use descript.ion files extensively & since I DL often near the edge of retention I use "Test Download" for compressed files.
"Problem 1": In v6.81 the term 'Test Download:' is now appended in front of the subject in each line in the descript.ion file. Not a big problem because I can use 'Find and Replace' in Notepad++ to remove it.
"Problem 2:" If the compressed file has multiple parts (Chevy 1957.rar.001 through Chevy 1957.rar.007 or Ford 1980.part1.rar through Ford 1980.part4.rar) then each part has exactly the same subject line (even associated par files if any) - again I could edit the file if I wish.
The priority for correction of these "problems" is zero to very low as I can work around them and probably few others (if any) would even notice the problems.