Where has the Beta support sub forum gone.

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Where has the Beta support sub forum gone.

Postby Mick.1965 » Thu Feb 01, 2018 6:38 am

I joined here to list a problem with 6.80 RC4 and the subforum is gone as a member..

I can read the forum as a non member but as soon as I log in I'm told that I dont have permission to be there.

so what's the effing point eh.....
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Re: Where has the Beta support sub forum gone.

Postby Quade » Thu Feb 01, 2018 7:33 am

You have to put your key into the forum options to unlock the beta forum. If you have and still can't see it, use the support form on the main website so Dex can look at it.
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Re: Where has the Beta support sub forum gone.

Postby Mick.1965 » Thu Feb 01, 2018 8:04 am

Put my key in on initial sign up. Hence the "registered Newsbin user since" to the left.
Just checked my user CP and its in there OK too.

All I wanted to mention was.
In RC4 One of the "summary of changes" it states "Fixed issue where Newsbin was downloading more PAR files than necessary."

This is not the case for me.
It will download all the main files fairly quickly (as quick as my connection allows ~230Mb/s) but the nzb just stays in the "downloading files" tab and slowly download all of the pars (slowly is hard to describe :) as it seem to download a chunk/block, wait then next block, etc. etc. ) even though they are not needed.

Even after it finally finishes the nzb doesn't clear from the "downloading files" tab for a long time, sometimes it ends up in the failed files tab

Not sure if this is an issue my end or what.
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Re: Where has the Beta support sub forum gone.

Postby Quade » Thu Feb 01, 2018 9:42 am

It will download all the main files fairly quickly (as quick as my connection allows ~230Mb/s) but the nzb just stays in the "downloading files" tab and slowly download all of the pars (slowly is hard to describe :) as it seem to download a chunk/block, wait then next block, etc. etc. ) even though they are not needed.

If the download is messed up, this is pretty normal. You can look at the PAR block counts to see why it's downloading the PAR files. If the left number is smaller than the right number you need N repair blocks to repair the download.
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Re: Where has the Beta support sub forum gone.

Postby Mick.1965 » Thu Feb 01, 2018 10:37 am

As said the pars are not always needed. I can open the download folder and extract the file manually no problems as soon as the main files are finished.
But it will still "slowly" download all of the par set regardless
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Re: Where has the Beta support sub forum gone.

Postby Quade » Thu Feb 01, 2018 10:49 am

I don't have that issue. It makes me wonder if your unrar path is correct and/or still there. I'll bet the logs are showing failed unrars.

It's common for people to forget to plug in external drives and/or not notice that the drive letter changed.
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Re: Where has the Beta support sub forum gone.

Postby Mick.1965 » Thu Feb 01, 2018 11:31 am

Its not set to automatically unrar.

the only reason Automatic PAR is set, is because save pars to wish list doesnt work.
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Re: Where has the Beta support sub forum gone.

Postby Quade » Thu Feb 01, 2018 2:39 pm

Its not set to automatically unrar.

Yeah, that makes sense then. It's downloading, finishing, then not unraring so. Newsbin goes into "unrar failed" mode. I'll have to think about it. It probably needs some sort of "finished" state to prevent the pars from download.
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Re: Where has the Beta support sub forum gone.

Postby Mick.1965 » Fri Feb 02, 2018 6:18 am

Quade wrote:
Its not set to automatically unrar.

Yeah, that makes sense then. It's downloading, finishing, then not unraring so. Newsbin goes into "unrar failed" mode. I'll have to think about it. It probably needs some sort of "finished" state to prevent the pars from download.

Yep.... I can confirm that if I enable auto unrar it will complete fine without downloading unnecessary par files and being left in the "downloading files" tab or ending up in the failed tab.
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Re: Where has the Beta support sub forum gone.

Postby Quade » Fri Feb 02, 2018 10:38 am

Disabling unrar isn't a mode that typically gets tested so, it's not really surprising. There is an option to remove downloads that finish downloading with unrar disabled, you could probably select that too.
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Re: Where has the Beta support sub forum gone.

Postby Mick.1965 » Fri Feb 02, 2018 11:56 am

I cant have auto unrar enabled as newsbin resides on the server and the place the files get extracted to is normally off when the newsbin is downloading.

Anyway, that option sorts it. (thought I had tried all the options in that section a while back)

Does do something weird though.
If there is a valid path in the unrar folder option, even though "automatically unrar complete files" is unchecked, "remove repaired" checked. It puts all the .rar files in the Unrar folder and not in the download folder.
Clear the path for the unrar folder, and every thing goes to the right place.

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Re: Where has the Beta support sub forum gone.

Postby dexter » Sun Feb 04, 2018 10:16 am

Mick.1965 wrote:I joined here to list a problem with 6.80 RC4 and the subforum is gone as a member...

I fixed your permissions. You did not get added to the registered users group for some reason.
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Re: Where has the Beta support sub forum gone.

Postby Mick.1965 » Wed Feb 07, 2018 6:09 am

dexter wrote:
Mick.1965 wrote:I joined here to list a problem with 6.80 RC4 and the subforum is gone as a member...

I fixed your permissions. You did not get added to the registered users group for some reason.

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