Right click on group, then select "show posts". Progress bar pongs left-right-left-right for a while. Then it fills left to right, getting almost all the way to the right. After a second or two the app just closes.
This is what is in the log file:
[10/06 07:52:28] HIGH PAR Pausing: Enabled
[10/06 07:52:28] HIGH Par2Repair - Multi-core VC2015 2.0
[10/06 07:52:28] HIGH MessageId Filter: Disabled
[10/06 07:52:28] HIGH FileTypeId Version: 3.00
[10/06 08:09:18] DEBUG Checking Autodownload: alt.binaries.teevee
[10/06 08:09:20] ERROR WorkerThread Died: DbWorker
Version 6.73 64 bit running on Vista.
The storage.db3 file for the group is 18.6 gig so I'd prefer to not try to download the headers again.
Provider is giganews.
Machine has 8 gigs of ram with over 3.5 gigs free, so it seems available memory is not an issue.