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Pause and speed limiter NOT working

PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 5:15 am
by tibbs1cat
Hi all!
Basically for whatever reason the 'Speed limiter' and 'Pause' functions don't work properly, I can activate them but after only a few seconds they disengage! This has been a problem for the past couple of updates, I have reinstalled a couple of times but it hasn't worked, the 'timeout' period has been set to off and 1 hour etc but still no difference, whats going on please?? because it's a shared internet connection I have to have the limiter working or not use Newsbin at all because of complaints!
I've emailed Tech support several days ago but nobody's got back to me,Can anybody on here please help?

Re: Pause and speed limiter NOT working

PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 10:56 am
by Quade
People accidentally enable the "scheduler" which lets Newsbin control pause and speed limit automatically. If you look in the options you can see where to disable it.

Re: Pause and speed limiter NOT working

PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 11:27 am
by tibbs1cat
Thanks but i've tried that, I will enable it then within seconds it disables itself

Re: Pause and speed limiter NOT working

PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 11:37 am
by Quade
You're enabling pause and speed limiter. The scheduler is then disabling your settings.

You need to disable the scheduler first. I'm skeptical the scheduler is re-enabling itself once you disable it.

If you look down at the status bar, 11th segment from the left or second from the right, it'll show "Enabled" Or "Disabled". That also lets you turn it on and off and is likely how people turn it on by mistake.

Re: Pause and speed limiter NOT working

PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 2:24 pm
by tibbs1cat
Hey, thanks Quade! being thick I confused scheduler to speed limiter despite reading it several times! so yes disabling the scheduler has fixed the issue!!
Many thanks again for your help! you won't believe how stressed I was getting over it! :lol:

Re: Pause and speed limiter NOT working

PostPosted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 12:40 pm
by g51
Quade wrote:If you look down at the status bar, 11th segment from the left or second from the right, it'll show "Enabled" Or "Disabled". That also lets you turn it on and off and is likely how people turn it on by mistake.

Hey Quade, i had the same problem and it seems it was the scheduler. I guess i accidentally clicked on it and enabled it. Perhaps it should be relocated somewhere to the left.