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Watch list / Filter Profile: fail scenario

PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 3:02 am
by rh
So I had a Header Download-Watch List in which I'd chosen the wrong Look in Groups. When I realized that, I thought I'd try this...

Edit the Watch List, choose the correct Look in Groups, right-click Watch List, Re-scan Topic/30 days. Seemed logical but I really didn't know what it was supposed to do.

Loading the Watch List, what I got was far too many posts. Most of which did not match the Filter Profile I had selected for the Watch List.

Easy enough to fix, I just selected the Filter Profile in the results.

My imagination of what Re-scan topic would do: Scan the current Look in Groups as though those headers were being downloaded, apply the Filter Profile, and add the matches to the Watch List. Does that sound right?

Re: Watch list / Filter Profile: fail scenario

PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 3:44 am
by Quade
I'd right click "Post Storage/Delete Stored Posts" before you rescan. Make sure you're running 6.73RC2 also.

Try again and see what happens.

Re: Watch list / Filter Profile: fail scenario

PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 1:52 pm
by rh
Just making sure you understood that this was a "Header Download" Watch List. If I Deleted Stored Posts, there would be nothing to Re-scan. I'll also update to RC2 and try again. Not a big issue since I think I'm migrating to "internet" Watch Lists anyway.

Just wanted to see if my understanding on Watch List Re-scan being essentially like a reprocessing of headers but using Stored Posts - in my example - was accurate.

Re: Watch list / Filter Profile: fail scenario

PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 2:35 pm
by Quade
Just making sure you understood that this was a "Header Download" Watch List. If I Deleted Stored Posts, there would be nothing to Re-scan.

A watch list is like a group. You can purge the records already stored in the watch list too. That's what I'm suggesting.

Rescan on a local watch rescans the headers stored on disk. Rescan on a search based watch resets the "last searched" timer and pulls all the records for the search term that the watch list would pull.

Re: Watch list / Filter Profile: fail scenario

PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 6:42 pm
by rh
Ok, 6.73RC2 4820 solved that problem - and the related problem of NB intermittently 'not-responding' during that process. Now the re-scan progress is much smoother, ALLOT faster, and works.

..and yes, I misunderstood which records to purge :oops: