Odd tech question:

Technical support and discussion of Newsbin Version 6 series.

Odd tech question:

Postby saintsinner » Thu Feb 16, 2017 10:11 pm

when you open an NZB file and no posts show up, does this mean that the post was utterly nuked, or it just hasn't made it to your newserver? I can find the posts using an indexer, but not by opening the NZB file, or the nzb file created by the indexer. It happens very rarely so isn't a huge deal, but the techie in me is curious.
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Re: Odd tech question: (NZB files being filtered)

Postby saintsinner » Thu Feb 16, 2017 10:33 pm

and the answer is, they were posting as cpp-user@domain.com . So newsbin wasn't processing anything at all in the nzb file. Nuking that from the ignore list results in posts showing up when I open the nzb. Woot. FWIW, it would be ideal if someone manually opens up an NZB if it would bypass *all* filters including the kernel level ones and just go where it's told. However that's pie in the sky thoughts.
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