Internet search - past 10 days

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Internet search - past 10 days

Postby rh » Sat Feb 11, 2017 6:27 pm

So if I want to use internet search to pull the last 10 days for a Group or GOG, I just use * for the search criteria then after the results load, just click load older 9 more times - waiting for the search to return before clicking load older the next time?
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Re: Internet search - past 10 days

Postby rh » Fri Feb 17, 2017 12:28 pm

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Re: Internet search - past 10 days

Postby Quade » Fri Feb 17, 2017 1:36 pm

I'd wait till the last click completes. If you use watch lists, the results will just accumulate like a header download.
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Re: Internet search - past 10 days

Postby rh » Sat Feb 18, 2017 1:30 am

Yeah, made sense I'd have to wait for each search to complete.

For the "browse" type search and that kind of search only, have you considered allowing users to search N days at the cost of N credits? Just for the convenience. Then once per week for only 10 search credits I could fill my Watch Lists with a single click.
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Re: Internet search - past 10 days

Postby Quade » Sat Feb 18, 2017 9:22 am

If you set the watch lists to search once a day and don't have an excessive number of watch lists items, you ought to be able to get through the month without issue. The watch list search only returns I think 2 days worth so you'd have the set the watch list search at least once every 2 days to get a complete listing of results. Doing it once a week will probably leave holes in your results.
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Re: Internet search - past 10 days

Postby rh » Sat Feb 18, 2017 1:37 pm

Hmmm, clearly then I'm still missing something regarding Watch Lists.

1. So while internet search with * acts as a browse and returns the last 24 hours, any watch list (internet) search returns at most 2 days?

2. The implication is that I can "set" the Watch List search to run automatically. How? Command line?

3. "excessive number of watch lists items". Watch lists themselves, each of which would count as a single search? I've only got 2 watch lists, each of which uses a Filter Profile.
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Re: Internet search - past 10 days

Postby Quade » Sat Feb 18, 2017 3:16 pm

Watch lists set to "internet" automatically re-search. You set the interval in the "Switches" section of the options.

If you're on a limited search account with 500 a month, you can blow through them in 2 days if you have 10 watch items and allow it to search every 30 minutes. 10 once a day though is only 300 in a typical month.

Many types of posts will disappear within hours so some people with unlimited search want the downloads to happen as soon as possible. That's why the default is 30 minutes between updates.
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Re: Internet search - past 10 days

Postby rh » Sun Feb 19, 2017 2:17 am

Ok, that helps allot - thanks!

I had looked through all the options but missed Options/Switches/Automatic Search Interval. Obviously I didn't look close enough.

So this interval ONLY applies to Internet-Watch-Lists?

It hadn't occurred to me that some posts would disappear so quickly. Now you got me wondering what I'm missing out on :mrgreen:

So now I understand the appeal of unlimited search. For now though, with my 2 simple watch lists I'm good. Never really made proper use of them or even understood them that well. The same goes for search. I'm starting to see the light though. With only 2 watch list now, I'll be able to search a couple of times a day with room to spare. Once I fine tune things and get smarter I might need unlimited.
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Re: Internet search - past 10 days

Postby Quade » Sun Feb 19, 2017 3:42 am

So this interval ONLY applies to Internet-Watch-Lists?

Local watch lists update whenever you download headers which doesn't cost any internet searches. If you have headers set to download automatically every 15 minutes (like I do) then the local watch lists will update every 15 minutes.

It hadn't occurred to me that some posts would disappear so quickly. Now you got me wondering what I'm missing out on :mrgreen:

The headers still show the files but when you try to download them. They just show 430 errors. Meaning they've been removed. How quickly they're removed is server dependent.
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