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$(NZBPATH) does not work

PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 11:07 am
by BigMike71
i'm running for a long time 6.72final using this settings for the watch folder:

NZB Watch Folder:

Download Folder:

Unrar Folder:
H:\@Usenet unrared\$(NZBPATH)\$(NZBFILE)\

The Watch Folder D:\Nzbs\ has 3 dirs inside:

if i put an .nzb file in , example: d:\Nzbs\@music\top100.nzb
this have loaded to d:\usenet\@music\top100\
and unrared to H:\@Usenet unrared\@music\top100\

all was fine, but all versions after 6.72final to 6.73RC2 don't do this anymore :(

the result using this settings are this:
if i put to example top100.nzb to D:\Nzbs\@music
the download goes to:

and after unrar the files are goes to H:\@Usenet unrared\Nzbs\top100

any solution?

Re: $(NZBPATH) does not work

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 12:50 pm
by BigMike71
no solution?
keine Lösung oder geht es einfach nicht mehr?

Re: $(NZBPATH) does not work

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 1:34 pm
by Quade
I'll see of I can reproduce it.