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DL problem with 6.72.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 11:19 am
by jstchilln117
I'm a longtime NB user and have rarely had a problem and the problems I have had have mostly been my own. I just did a clean install on my machine with win 7 and decided to upgrade to NB 6.72 from 6.60. NB 6.60 worked flawlessly with zero problems and I assumed that 6.72 would too except I am experiancing slow downloads. With 6.72 my downloads a very slow although my speeds (56 mbps) says they should be downloading faster. In the download tab it shows multiple downloads all shaded yellow at the same time and the downloads act as if they are buffering. My number of connections is set at 6 and I recall in the past that 6 files would DL and then start another as they went down the list instead of now where they all appear to be downloading at the same time. Is there anything you can think of that I am doing differently of should change ?

I am not the best at descriptions so please bear with me.

Re: DL problem with 6.72.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 5:44 pm
by Quade
I'd look in the logging tab. I think it sounds like you might have a download path problem. What folder are you downloading to? Sometimes trying to use the old NBI (configuration) file doesn't work very well when you change OS's. For example a download folder that used to work in XP might not work in a newer OS.

Re: DL problem with 6.72.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 5:48 pm
by jstchilln117
Thanks for the quick reply, I will try it our later. BTW, video downloads fine. It is only pictures that lag like they are buffering.