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AutoPAR Only Doesn't Start

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 7:04 pm
by ppan
I have AutoPAR enabled, but not Auto UNRAR.

I have a set (actually several) where the files are not grouped by Newsbin (RARs and PARs are separate files). I tried this:
1. Download all the RAR files
2. Download all the PAR files.

I had hoped that AutoPAR would kick in and repair (if needed) and then delete all the PARs. However, AutoPAR didn't kick in. Is there some way to have AutoPAR kick in automatically in this case?

Re: AutoPAR Only Doesn't Start

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 7:31 pm
by Quade
The questions are:

- Are these files and PARS matched to each other?

- Are the files perfect or not?

Disabling Unrar disables delete so, if the files are perfect and/or repaired. Nothing else is going to happen. When you disable the unrar, Newsbin won't touch the files if it verifies they're good.

It should work either way and watching the PARS you should be able to see of the block counts count up but, typically downloading the PARS first will be more reliable.

Re: AutoPAR Only Doesn't Start

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 8:34 pm
by ppan
Quade wrote:- Are these files and PARS matched to each other?

How would I know if they are "matched"? As I mentioned, they were not grouped by Newsbin (for unknown reasons...). However, they have the same names except for the extensions.

Quade wrote:- Are the files perfect or not?

Yes; repair was not needed.

Quade wrote:It should work either way and watching the PARS you should be able to see of the block counts count up but, typically downloading the PARS first will be more reliable.

Downloading the PARS first often causes problems as we discussed before (you had suggested to download the PARS last).

I downloaded another set, and purposely didn't download the last RAR file. As you suggested, AutoPAR kicked in and created the last RAR file.
However, the PARS were not deleted. Can you please add an option to delete the PARS after successful repair (or if no repair is needed?)

Re: AutoPAR Only Doesn't Start

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 9:07 pm
by Quade
How would I know if they are "matched"? As I mentioned, they were not grouped by Newsbin (for unknown reasons...). However, they have the same names except for the extensions.

I have no idea. The convention is that the names of the PARS match the names of the RARS. If you're downloading some oddball format where that doesn't apply, you might be SOL with that file type. It's basically luck then. People who typically downloads the files with random filenames typically use NZB's because they keep the files and the PARS together.

I downloaded another set, and purposely didn't download the last RAR file. As you suggested, AutoPAR kicked in and created the last RAR file.
However, the PARS were not deleted. Can you please add an option to delete the PARS after successful repair (or if no repair is needed?)

If you want them to delete, I'd turn unrar back on. There's no mechanism to clean up the download without actually finishing the download meaning unraring.

Re: AutoPAR Only Doesn't Start

PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 8:05 pm
by ppan
I can't use Auto UNRAR. There are currently to many problems with this, and I UNRAR with 3rd part utility.

If the PAR2 Files cannot be deleted automatically by Newsbin after successful repair, then I could delete them manually. However, to do so, I need to know which RAR files were repaired successfully (or didn't need repair) so that I can safely remove the corresponding PAR2 files myself.
How can I find out?

Re: AutoPAR Only Doesn't Start

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 12:04 am
by Quade
How can I find out?

No idea. I doubt anyone is bulk downloading the way you are so you're kind on your own.

Maybe you could try parsing out the log file?