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watchlist using headers downloads incompletes

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 6:25 am
by Bexley
Hi, I changed over some internet watch lists to use header downloads. While the watchlist internet downloads seems to be on complete posts, the header downloads attempt download before the post is complete. It seems to eventually succeed by brute force since the incompletes fail, and then it attempts again - do I need to do something to change the behavior, why is it not checking the complete flag? Regards
PS looking at it happening right now.
version 6.62 b4358

Re: watchlist using headers downloads incompletes

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 11:35 am
by Quade
6.72 won't add partial downloads to the download list. Might want to try it.

Re: watchlist using headers downloads incompletes

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 12:23 am
by Bexley
Thanks as always for the super prompt and on point reply, I will try the version. Regards

Re: watchlist using headers downloads incompletes

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 12:43 pm
by Bexley
Upgraded to 6.72 b4776, easy upgrade, totally fixed problem! Regards