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Minor bug 6.71f

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 7:27 am
by Lonewolf3
MOTD showing up persistantly even though not selected in options.

Items in group window show Incomplete posts (nothin unusual there) but if I select and place them in the Wish List for future retrieval the posts looks as though they are complete with no warnings of incomplete parts. Assuming then that all parts are available I move them to the Download section but there are still parts missing and download fails. So am I using the Wish list correctly, is it not working or is it not the place to watch for post parts to complete before trying to download ?

Why do posts show up with an ! before the name ?


Re: Minor bug 6.71f

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:59 am
by Quade
For the MOTD, I'd use "Help/Register Update Key" to re-register then restart Newsbin.

So am I using the Wish list correctly, is it not working or is it not the place to watch for post parts to complete before trying to download ?

The wish list is a snapshot of what you added. It doesn't get updated when new header downloads or searches happen. What you might want to do is to make a watch list to capture the files you're interested in. The watch list can then be loaded like a group to show a filtered view of of you hits. Watch lists do get updated with subsequent header downloads. You can set it to collect all the posts from your favorite poster for example.