Version 6.71 AutoPAR/unRAR failing

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Version 6.71 AutoPAR/unRAR failing

Postby publius21 » Mon Aug 01, 2016 9:11 pm

I just upgraded to version 6.71 and now every download I've tried since has failed with an "Download Failed: File Retry Count Exceeded" message.

A critical error window will pop up with "AUTOPar Plugin: Repair Failed". When this error triggers, it downloads another PAR file, then trips another Plugin Failed error, downloads another PAR, until it downloads them all.

It downloads all the PARs associated with a file, even if they are not needed. QuickPAR shows everything hunky dory, save for something like a missing .NFO file or something like that in the PAR set. But the RAR files are fine, or there is more than enough PARs to repair it.

This has happened with every download I've tried, it seems. If they are complete, WinRAR decompresses fine, or QuickPAR repairs fine, usually with more than enough PARs which v6.71 needlessly downloaded.

Just out of curiosity, it is possible to "downgrade" Newsbin versions easily. I might do that if need be.
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Re: Version 6.71 AutoPAR/unRAR failing

Postby Quade » Tue Aug 02, 2016 7:49 am

Just out of curiosity, it is possible to "downgrade" Newsbin versions easily. I might do that if need be.

There are installers for any older version sitting on the main website so yes you can revert.

What kind of PC is this?

Want to try an experiment?

1 - Start Newsbin and look in the logging tab. You should see something like

[06:42:34] DEBUG High Speed File Creation Mode: Disabled - "Run as Administrator" to Activate this mode
[06:42:34] HIGH Aggressive Assembly mode: Enabled
[06:42:34] HIGH PAR Pausing: Enabled
[06:42:34] HIGH Par2Repair - Multi-core VC2015 2.0
[06:42:34] HIGH MessageId Filter: Enabled
[06:42:34] HIGH FileTypeId Version: 3.00

I'm wondering what you see in this line?

2 - Depending on whether you're 32 bits or 64 bits you should have one or the other of these two DLL tiles in the "Program Files" or "Program Files X86" install folders in your windows.
How about exiting Newsbin and deleting (these) files? You can always re-run the installer to get them back.


Then start Newsbin again and look at that line. I'd like you to try some repairs after you do this.

I'm wondering if the problem is in the multi-core part of the multi-core repair?

Essentially everything I download needs repair because of how it's posted so, repair can work. I'm just not sure why it's not working for you.
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Re: Version 6.71 AutoPAR/unRAR failing

Postby publius21 » Tue Aug 02, 2016 12:58 pm

I'm running XP x64 version (this is more close to Win2003, reporting NT v5.2.370), and this is a AMD quad core, and I always check the multi-core override in the installer.

I "downgraded" to version 6.55 just to see last night before this newbie post was approved and I got your replies. Now, lo and behold, during this downgrade install there was some error message and I believe it was something about "couldn't overwrite" one of those very .dlls you mentioned, I think. But I'm not sure exactly what the name was, really.

I was afraid the install would be hosed, but I fired it up and it ran fine, and the AutoPAR worked fine there. So it works to at least v6.55 on this system.

Anyway, the version I had before I did the uprgrade was 6.54, so this is not 6.55 and everything works fine. The date of par2repair64.dll now in the install directory is 12/2/2013, 10:08AM, and the size is 340,480 bytes. They are not read-only or anything and chkdsk reports no errors with the volume.

I've got working installs of Windows 7 Pro and Windows 8.1, and have Newsbin installed on those as well. I'm just getting old and hornery and like to stay with the old XP x64. I can boot those and install the latest version and see if the problem happens there with them.
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Re: Version 6.71 AutoPAR/unRAR failing

Postby publius21 » Tue Aug 02, 2016 1:04 pm

With version 6.55, here's the logging window upon startup:
[11:58:15] HIGH Aggressive Assembly mode: Enabled
[11:58:15] HIGH PAR Pausing: Enabled
[11:58:15] HIGH Par2Repair - Multi-core 1.5
[11:58:15] HIGH MessageId Filter: Disabled
[11:58:15] HIGH FileType Version: 2.01

I had checked the "aggressive assembly mode" option under v 6.71 to see if that helped with the problem. It didn't, and that option is still set.
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Re: Version 6.71 AutoPAR/unRAR failing

Postby publius21 » Tue Aug 02, 2016 1:33 pm

I reinstalled v6.71, after backing up the data folder.. I think something funny is going on. The logging tab was empty on startup. I checked verbose mode, and restarted and this appears:

[12:24:27] HIGH Aggressive Assembly mode: Enabled
[12:24:27] HIGH PAR Pausing: Enabled
[12:24:27] HIGH Par2Repair - Single-core 1.5
[12:24:27] HIGH MessageId Filter: Disabled
[12:24:27] HIGH FileTypeId Version: 3.00

Par2repair64.dll is now 449,536 bytes, dated 6/14/2016.

It says single core 1.5
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Re: Version 6.71 AutoPAR/unRAR failing

Postby publius21 » Tue Aug 02, 2016 1:51 pm

I've reinstalled v6.71 several times, both with and without the "multi-core override" checked. With it unchecked this is the log output:
[12:45:31] HIGH Aggressive Assembly mode: Enabled
[12:45:31] HIGH PAR Pausing: Enabled
[12:45:31] HIGH Par2Repair - Single-core 1.4
[12:45:31] HIGH MessageId Filter: Disabled
[12:45:31] HIGH FileTypeId Version: 3.0

Single core 1.4.

When I check multi-core override, it reads Single-core 1.5. So I think something funny is going on.

I'm going to try to install some of the versions in between 6.71 and 6.55.
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Re: Version 6.71 AutoPAR/unRAR failing

Postby publius21 » Tue Aug 02, 2016 1:59 pm

I installed every version up to 6.62. Log continues to read Multi-core 1.5
This is the v 6.62 output:
[12:54:05] HIGH Aggressive Assembly mode: Enabled
[12:54:05] HIGH PAR Pausing: Enabled
[12:54:05] HIGH Par2Repair - Multi-core 1.5
[12:54:05] HIGH MessageId Filter: Disabled
[12:54:05] HIGH FileType Version: 2.01

I haven't verified it, but I think the AutoPAR is going to work up to here. I'll see.
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Re: Version 6.71 AutoPAR/unRAR failing

Postby Quade » Tue Aug 02, 2016 2:05 pm

I'd delete the DLL's as I suggested. I'm wondering if this is some XP64 incompatibility at this point.
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Re: Version 6.71 AutoPAR/unRAR failing

Postby publius21 » Tue Aug 02, 2016 2:23 pm

I just did a download with v 6.62. AutoPAR worked fine. So it works up to this version.

I deleted the .dll under the v6.71 and reinstalled when I had it installed a while back. Still the problem.

It will take me a while to get around to it, but I'm going to install v 6.71 under Win7 x64 Ultimate here and see if it works there.
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Re: Version 6.71 AutoPAR/unRAR failing

Postby Quade » Tue Aug 02, 2016 3:23 pm

I deleted the .dll under the v6.71 and reinstalled when I had it installed a while back. Still the problem.

I think you're missing my intent (or I'm misreading what you wrote). I want you to run it WITHOUT the dll being in the program files folder and see if repair works. There's an emergency backup repair mode build in that works if the DLL's are missing or broken. All the new DLL's are made with the latest version of the devel tools and while they're supposed to work under XP. Maybe they don't really.
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Re: Version 6.71 AutoPAR/unRAR failing

Postby publius21 » Tue Aug 02, 2016 6:23 pm

Oh, I'm sorry -- I was just assuming it wouldn't work without the .dll, and you just meant to delete the file and re-install.

Anyway, it does work without the .dll.
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Re: Version 6.71 AutoPAR/unRAR failing

Postby Quade » Tue Aug 02, 2016 7:09 pm

Anyway, it does work without the .dll.

That's a good clue. Thanks. It sounds like the repair DLL's simply don't work. I'll determine if this is XP only.
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